
Uni · @Bomgeisha

2nd Jul 2020 from TwitLonger

My Experience With PK (PokemonKing4Life)

I would like to preface this post by saying that until less than an hour before starting to write it, I was not aware that I was a victim of grooming. I suppose my childish innocence caused me to believe that he simply didn't care about my age, or perhaps it was simply the fact that I genuinely did like him back initially blinding me. Regardless of the reasoning, these circumstances have put me in a position that I did not expect to be in. My day started with me thinking that my role would be supporting victims - but it's quickly morphed into a situation where it falls on me to prevent any further victims. With this in mind, there is a chance that some things I say may seem frantic/etc., and I would just like to make it clear that I am doing my best to make this a coherent statement.

Our first meeting was in a friend of mine's server. Upon joining, I was met with levels of toxicity I did not expect, and quickly just decided to go quiet in the server. This toxicity did end up being a joke and I do not have any problems with the people in that server, and I have a close friend also in that server that can attest to this, but I was not expecting it at all and took it too personally. My choice to ignore it and go quiet caused our first meeting, where he reached out to me in DMs to see if I was okay:


After realizing it was all banter, I returned to the server for a short while. Due to the banter being about my physical appearance, however, he grew a strong curiosity for what I looked like. However, at this time, I was presenting as a biological female: I was NOT out. As a result of this, I was often reluctant to send pictures of myself to people who I did not know well, in fear that even though I curated the pictures I sent I would get "found". However, his curiosity caused him to push for me to send a picture of myself in the server. I am no longer in this server, and cannot get any screenshots of him pushing for it, however I do still have the evidence of him moving the conversation to DMs for when I eventually did do it. After I sent the picture of myself, he made some light compliments, followed by some inappropriate comments:


There is one thing I must admit to before I continue. I lied about being 18 shortly after these comments. I am aware it was wrong, and I am sorry for it. However, these perverted comments were made before ever asking for my age, and he also continued contact (including sexual messages) after finding out it was a lie. My mistake does not erase his behaviour.

Immediately following these sexually charged comments, and on his second time talking to me no less, he tries to create plans to meet up in real life:


The next day, he continued attempting to be sexual, despite my clear lack of interest:


Despite all of this, I did really love the attention he gave me. I was at a pretty rough place mentally and it was nice to know that there was someone who always had me on their mind. We continued to talk in both a sexual and romantic context somewhat regularly for almost three years. However, I say somewhat regularly because it was very off-and-on. We would have constant "fights", which I now realize were just his methods of attempting to gaslight my busy schedule in favor of spending all of my free time giving him attention. Out of respect for the genuine emotions I did feel for him, and some of the genuine emotions I do feel he ended up growing as a result of his actions, I will not be posting every little private interaction throughout the three year span. I will simply be highlighting some examples of aforementioned gaslighting to show the danger his behaviour can be.


These are but a few examples of many that occurred within the 3 year period of our communication. To get every example would not only be impossible due to the sheer number of them, but also far more personally invasive to our personal relationship than I am comfortable with sharing. All of the screenshots here demonstrate him performing some sort of gaslighting, be it guilt trip apologies or otherwise.

I would like to make it abundantly clear that I am well aware some of these instances of gaslighting happen after I turned 18 on September 16th, 2019. Although this post does indeed begin with following up on a claim that he has tendencies to sexually interact with minors, that is not all this is about. Predatory behaviour is not only pedophilia, and intentional emotional abuse should be called out regardless of age. At the time we met, he was 23, and as of now he would be 26 or 27. He should know far better than to act like this towards people, and I hope these recent allegations from me and other people force him to change his ways.

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