
Naomi · @perfectsIumbers

23rd Jun 2020 from TwitLonger

#MeTooStarcraft and @RAPiDcasting

For those who don't know, I'm an amateur StarCraft 2 player who goes by the ID Deity on North America. I'm best known for playing in and winning several of the Banshee tournaments hosted by Zombiegrub in the past. In general I'm a relatively unknown player, and someone with little influence.

Many people over the past few days have come out about sexual harassment and abuse in the StarCraft community. Personally, what happened to me wasn't too traumatic or scarring, and it wasn't extremely abusive. It resulted in short lived feelings of disgust, shame, discomfort, and knowing I've been manipulated, but it isn't the worst thing that could happen and doesn't affect me to this day. However I know many people in the StarCraft community, and even dating back to the time when @RAPiDCasting or Reid Melton was a part of the League of Legends community in 2014 that have dealt with harassment and abuse perpetrated by him. I won't reveal their identity, or what happened, due to their privacy, but I hope that in making this post, other people will feel confident enough to speak about their experiences with him.

When i first got into the scene in late 2017 I liked Reid. I watched his stream, talked in his chat, defended him when people said his casting sucked, and we ended up dming me on twitter. We weren't friends in particular, but we were acquaintances. I valued my conversations about memes and StarCraft with him, although he seemed awkward.

I consider myself generally a caring and sympathetic person. If any of my friends or acquaintances come to me when they're sad, and I'm available, I'll do my best to talk to them and listen to them about it. I was also, and still am, a young and naive woman, and I believed in
Reids sincerity.

Early in 2018, Reid was casting at WESG 2017. I was 17 at the time, but I'm not sure about his age, it isn't listed on his liquidpedia. He dm'd me while in China, to talk about how lonely he was and his relationships with women. He told me that he was a fuckboy, that he had bad luck etc, and I did my best to comfort him and give him advice. Then he began to talk about a particular insecurity of his. Reid told me he felt insecure about the size of his penis, and that he was unloveable/unfuckeable because of it. I genuinely felt really bad for him, as it seemed like he was really insecure about it.

He decided to tell me the size and asked me if it was "hung," if I'd say it's large, etc. I felt uncomfortable and realised these were red flags, but I told him that it was above average and that he shouldn't feel insecure about it. And that women would not judge him for it. After this went on for a bit, he revealed that his fetish was being told he had a "big dick," and that he was trying to get me to tell him that so that he could get off. He told me that he was masturbating to the conversation we were having without me knowing. His tone immediately changed from one of someone who was insecure, to that of somebody who felt self satisfied. He then sent me a picture of it without consent. I immediately felt taken advantage of and manipulated, and blocked him.

The DM's between me and him on Twitter are gone. I'm not sure if it's possible for him to delete them, or if it's a function of twitters block feature but unfortunately I can't post any proof. Again though, my hope is that I can embolden other people to come out more so than proving my own allegations.

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