Departure from Mousesports

It's been a wonderful 9 months working alongside the players of Mousesports, and I've really enjoyed learning more about the coaching role of a team. I would like to thank Speed, Kuxir, Al0t, Scrub Killa & Arju for allowing me to share my thoughts and ideas to help push the team to the next level. I would also like to thank the staff of Mousesports for bringing me onto the team, they've been an absolute pleasure to work with.

At this time, I'd like to announce that I'm leaving the coaching role on my own terms, and I wish the team the best of luck in my EuroCup 10K tournament and any future events! I've taken too much on as an individual and I'd like to focus more on my content, streams & map-making.

I hope any who are disappointed can understand where I'm coming from, and to those who always support me, thank you.

Cheers! Enjoy Twitch Rivals today, Codename: Covert, and the EuroCup 10K Grand Finals on the 13th and 14th.

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