Thanks for your partnership

Dear friends and partners,
Just wanted to update you on the LEC operation after our first remote show week end.

As you know, Berlin is impacted as the rest of the world by the COVID19 outbreak.
The LEC team has been directly impacted with at least 3 members of our team showing symptoms. For now, we are lucky enough that none of the players nor staff has been infected by the virus. However, it was important for us to reduce the risk of infection between teams and production crew at the studio. With less than 2 hours to react, we took the most reasonable decision to suspend the LEC season last weekend.

After discussion with the LEC teams and our production team, we decided to stand up and bring the LEC back to the fans locked at home. We knew that we won't be able to deliver the same quality of show and that some of the deliverables to our partners won t be met. However our long term vision at Riot Games will always be to put the player experience first.

Since all of our crew members are now self quarantined to prevent further infection, we needed to come up with a plan to replace our multi million dollars studio with personal and domestic capabilities and without working in the same place.
You will find below some pictures from the Rioters working from not less than 14 different apartments to compose the different elements of our show. Casters, observers, engineers, producers, referees, stats analysts.... and many other roles who went beyond what any traditional sport organization would have done to enable our fans to enjoy our sport.

First day was really painful for fans to watch but even more for us with some sounds issues encountered despite all the back ups we planned for this remote show. However, our team worked last night and today to improve the experience to deliver an almost perfect show today against all odds.
They will continue explore options to improve the show next week and the following ones until someone forbid us to play our role with passion for our community.

Finally I just want to say thank you to all our partners for their understanding. We have been really blessed by your kind words and positive support. We feel sorry for not being able to fulfill all commitments for now. But be sure that the same way our team has climbed a mountain this week to deliver an esport show remotely, we will work relentlessly for each of you to overcompensate the lost value as soon as possible.

Thank you for your partnership
We value it today more than ever

#LeagueOfLegends #LoLEsport
#BiggerThanYouThink #GamersVsCovid19

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