GoTeRRoR · @GoTeRRoR1

15th Mar 2020 from TwitLonger

Explanation and apology

Yeterday I did something very bad that im not very proud of. Under tilt and bad emotions I bursted with rage and said some mean and bad words. I had a bad day and the culmination of it was a free win taken by TGW where I got desync/disc or whatever from the game. Iv spend entire day playing and I just lost it. I said things that I dont trully believe in or think. Im very sorry if I ofended all the players and people that got hurt by it. I didnt mean it, those are things that are just “sayings” or stupid songs but I just said it without even thinking about them just to comment the situation I was in. I dont want any trouble and I dont want hate beeing spread, especially by myself. There is nothing more I can do here. All I can do is take full responsbility which I am.

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