
Mkers · @mkersofficial

9th Dec 2019 from TwitLonger

The Dark Side of Pro Players

The MKERS company has acknowledged the public statements released last week by Mr. Arthur Bloch and has instructed its lawyers to clarify what happened by verifying any contractual shortfalls or damage to the image of the company itself or its sponsors.

Unfortunately, once again we notice the lack of professionalism from the esport sector. We remind everyone that in the case of receivables due, the correct procedure is not the public defamation of the debtor but the regular performance of the credit recovery procedures.

We hope to start to building a more professional relationship, where chats and communities are used solely to entertain and help the young pro players improve not only their gaming skills, but also and especially, the correct handling of employment legal issues that concern them.

Organizations such as Mkers are investing heavily in growing in this sector and it is no longer acceptable to deal with those who expect payments without issuing receipts / invoices, or aren’t even able to issue them or, even worse, with those who threaten to publish their dissent on the company’s social networks.

During the past three years, we, as well as others, have experienced all kinds of situations, like people not settling their share of a prize pool or not paying our credits promptly. We have never considered defaming them on social media, it wouldn't have been professional. While we wait for better regulations, we think it is important to start behaving accordingly.

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