
KingGeorge · @KingGeorge

15th Jul 2019 from TwitLonger

My Proposed Quality of Life Changes for Rainbow Six.

• Picking a preferred 7 ops on each side, instead of random selection when afk. 7 because of
• Fix for copper boosting – Say a copper and a diamond are playing together, copper is treated
in all ways as a plat2 in matchmaking, and final mmr at the end of the match, kind of live an
mmr floor. This allows anyone to play together, while passively making it less likely for abuse. It
also will not ruin current matches for high level play if someone is intentionally on a copper
smurf, or lower level matches having a diamond in silver.
• All railing should be destructible like the railing on house, nothing worse than fighting someone
on Kafe red stairs.
• Reduction of ambient noise, this has already started and Ubisoft is doing a great job with it.
• 150 ping = kick from the server. No reason someone should be above that.
• Remove volume going to zero when you are at 25hp, this feature can make crucial clutch fight
impossible to win.
• Barricades not breaking/client side debris especially on windows.
• 360 rappel + advanced rappel such as a click to mantel button.
• Option to not get off drone when round starts, maybe another key or press 5 twice, etc.
• Proper warm up mode, or create another difficulty in thunt called warm up. No bombers, c4,
wire, flash bangs, ts are harmless and run around in circles in increased numbers.
• Maestro cams currently kick you off when destroyed, instead they should allow you to swap to
another cam.
• Change default multiplier for mouse in-game, should not have to change the file in my
• Loading into the game has 30 seconds timeout, the time is up for debate but there needs to be
a hard limit. If someone does not load into a round in a certain amount of time because of a
slow hard drive or any other reason, they need to be kicked.
• Remove feet first prone.
• Bullets penetrate own model, for example an ash is flashed and her hand goes on her face.
You shoot her hand which is in her face and it blocks the head shot. At least arms and legs
need to be penertrable.
• Block person 1-2 people for 24hrs that you got into a game with. This will limit abuse but be
enough that you are not stuck in games with people you don’t want to play with.
• Demo system/ Replay System/ Theater mode type of thing is essential for this game. The
opportunities for pro teams and fans to break down games would be amazing. It would also
present tons of content creation opportunities.
• Screen shake during explosions is way to severe right now it should be eliminated or at least
reduced heavily.
• Dust after explosions is also a problem should be eliminated completely or at least heavily
• Fog lights/ construction light obstruct vision heavily and should be removed.
• Map selection system for ranked. My proposed solution is to make a map selection screen, in
it all pro league maps plus the newest dlc map are on and cannot be selected off. You can then
add any map you want which are all off by default favela, house, theme park, etc for a chance
to get those in ranked. This will remove one trick players (House diamonds, etc), and make
everyone who hates none pro league maps happy, while keeping queue times fast, yet allow
for variety.
• Client side toggle for skins, you should have an option that allows you to turn off enemy dlc
skins from only your perspective.
• Perspective has large issues especially when repelling upside down, you can see the enemies
feet before they can see you. A few strong pixels have been removed but there are a lot of
situations where you die with some of your body sticking out now with the perspective
• Elo rollback is currently broken, right now if you are at 5000 elo peak for the season lose 500
to cheaters now at 4500. Then you play win 400 back from legit players, 100 from a cheater
you are at 5000 your peak elo for the season. If the people you lost 500 to get banned first
then the 100 elo, you get 0 elo back and actually just lose 100 from the cheater you beat
setting you at 4900. In my opinion you should get back all the elo you have lost, and all that
you have gained should be removed.
• Client side bodies disappear and reveal op after frag, this will eliminate client side stuff from
getting in the way.

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