Fellow Democrats,

“About 90% of Democrats have an opinion on impeachment of Trump. Half of them say yes, half of them say no.

Regardless of which camp you are in, the fact that only half agree with you, and the other half don't, should give you pause.

I for one want impeachment, and I have my reasons. Until recently, I was arguing against impeachment. I had my reasons. All the reasons were the same then as they are now, but I think we have reached a tipping point.

There are about 6 reasons that, taken together, will make impeachment work. Any fewer might cause the impeachment to fail, and also, Trump to win the election.

So, I know what you are thinking. Do we have all six in place? Or only five? To tell you the truth, in all the excitement, I've lost track and I'm not so sure my self. We've got to ask ourselves one question ... do we feel lucky?

~ Greg Laden

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