
grim · @termiteking

14th Jun 2015 from TwitLonger

Every nutrient you need you can get from veganism and here's proof


VITAMIN A/BETA-CAROTENE – açaí, alfalfa sprouts, apricots, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cabbage, cacao/chocolate, cantaloupe, carrots, cayenne pepper, celery, cherries, chlorella, garlic, grapefruit, green vegetables (leafy), green peppers, honeydew, kale, kelp, lucuma powder, mango, nori, oranges, papaya, parsley, peas, persimmons, pineapple, prunes, pumpkin, spinach, spirulina, sprouts (all), sweet potato, tomato, watermelon, wheat, winter squash, wheatgrass, yams, yellow fruits, yellow squash and yellow vegetables (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

VITAMIN B-1/THIAMINE – açaí, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, avocados, barley, beans, broccoli, cacao/chocolate, chlorella, dates, figs, garlic, grains (all), greens (all), kelp, lentils, nutritional yeast, onions, parsley, peas, pecans, prunes, raisins, seeds (all), soy, spirulina, sprouts (all), vegetables (all), wheatgrass, wild rice and yams (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

VITAMIN B-2/RIBOFLAVIN – alfalfa sprouts, apples, apricots, asparagus, avocados, bananas, beans, black currants, broccoli, cacao/chocolate, cashews, cherries, chlorella, dates, figs, garlic, grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), kelp, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, nuts, okra, onions, parsley, pineapple, prunes, seeds (all), soy, spirulina, sprouts (all), watercress, watermelon, wheatgrass and wild rice (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

VITAMIN B-3/NIACIN – alfalfa sprouts, almonds, apricots, asparagus, avocados, bananas, cacao/chocolate, cantaloupe, chlorella, corn, dates, figs, garlic, grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), kelp, lucuma powder, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, nuts, onions, parsley, peas, plums, potato, prunes, raspberries, rice (brown/wild), seeds (all), squash, soy, spirulina, sprouts (all), strawberries, tomato, tempeh, watermelon and wheatgrass (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

VITAMIN B-5/PANTOTHENIC ACID (destroyed by heat) – alfalfa sprouts, almonds, asparagus, avocados, beans, broccoli, cabbage, cacao/chocolate, carrots, cauliflower, chlorella, corn, flax (oil/seeds), grains (all), green vegetables, legumes, mushrooms (shiitake), nutritional yeast, nuts, oats, onions, oranges, papaya, peas, pineapple, potato, seeds (all), soy, spirulina, sprouts (all), tomato, walnuts, watermelon, wheatgerm, wheatgrass and yams (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

VITAMIN B-6/PYRIDOXINE (destroyed by heat) – alfalfa sprouts, apples, asparagus, avocados, bananas, barley, beans, beets, bell peppers, blueberries, buckwheat, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, chlorella, corn, flax (oil/seeds), grains (all), grapes, green vegetables (leafy), lemon, mango, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, nuts, onions, oranges, peas, plum, prunes, raisins, squash, soy, spirulina, sprouts (all), sweet potato, tomato, watermelon, wheatbran, wheatgerm, wheatgrass and yams

B-12/CYANOCOBALAMIN (destroyed by heat) – barley, beans, chlorella, dulse, grains (all), grapes (concord), kelp, mustard greens, nori, nuts, plums, prunes, sauerkraut (unpasteurized), seeds (all), soy, spirulina, sprouts (all), wheatgerm and wheatgrass and EAT LOTS OF UNWASHED (i.e., some soil intact)ORGANIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. You can also add Red Star nutritional yeast to your meals.

B-15/PANGAMIC ACID (destroyed by heat) – almonds, apricot seeds, brown rice, cabbage, chlorella, grains (all), juniper berries, nutritional yeast, nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds (all), sprouts (all), sunflower seeds, unwashed vegetables and wheatgrass

B-17/AMYGDALIN/LAETRILE (destroyed by heat) – almonds, apple seeds, apricot kernels, barley, blackberries, brown rice, buckwheat, cherry seeds, chia seeds, celery, chlorella, cranberries, elderberries, flax (oil/seeds), garlic, grains (all), macadamia, millet, mung beans, nectarine seeds, oats, peach seeds, pear seeds, plum seeds, raspberries, rye, sesame seeds, sprouts (all), strawberries and wheatgrass

BIOTIN (B Complex) – alfalfa sprouts, almonds, bananas, beans, brown rice, chlorella, corn, fruits (all), grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), grapes, nutritional yeast, nuts, okra, peanuts, raisins, seeds (all), soy, spirulina, strawberries, wheatgerm and wheatgrass

CHOLINE (B Complex) – avocados, beans, bean sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chlorella, corn, fruits (all), grains (all), green beans, green vegetables (leafy), hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), lentils, nutritional yeast, nuts, peanuts, peas, seeds (all), soy, spinach, wheat, wheatgerm and wheatgrass

FOLIC ACID (B Complex) (destroyed by heat) – alfalfa sprouts, apricots, asparagus, avocados, beans, beet greens, broccoli, buckwheat sprouts, cantaloupe, cauliflower, chlorella, citrus fruits, cucumber, grains (all), grapes, green vegetables (leafy), kelp, oranges, papaya, peas, pecans, plums, prunes, raisins, rye, soy, spinach, spirulina, sprouts (all), sunflower seeds, sweet potato, walnuts, wheatgerm and wheatgrass

INOSITOL (B Complex) – alfalfa sprouts, almonds, artichokes, barley, beans, beets, blackberries, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, chlorella, corn, fruit (all), garlic, grains (all), hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), lima beans, nutritional yeast, nuts, oatmeal, oats, onions, oranges, peanuts, peas, raisins, spirulina, sunflower seeds, vegetables (all), wheatgerm and wheatgrass

PABA/PARA-AMINOBENZOIC ACID (B Complex) – beans, brown rice, chlorella, grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), molasses (unrefined), mushrooms, nutritional yeast, spinach, wheatbran, wheatgerm and wheatgrass

VITAMIN C/ASCORBIC ACID (destroyed by heat) – alfalfa sprouts, apples, asparagus, beets, berries (all), broccoli, cabbage, cacao/chocolate, cantaloupe, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chlorella, citrus fruits, cucumber, garlic, grapefruit, green vegetables (leafy), green peppers, guava, honeydew, kale, kelp, kidney beans, kiwi, kumquats, lemon, lime, lucuma powder, lychee, mango, onions, oranges, papaya, parsley, peas, persimmons, pineapple, potato, radish, raspberries, spinach, spirulina, sprouts (all), strawberries, sweet potato, tomato, watercress, watermelon, wheatgrass and yams (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

VITAMIN D/CALCIFEROL – alfalfa sprouts, avocados, basil, carrots, chlorella, fenugreek (powder/seeds), garlic, green vegetables (leafy), mushrooms (shiitake), papaya, parsley, seeds (all), spirulina, sunflower seeds, SUNLIGHT, sweet potato, watercress and wheatgrass

VITAMIN D2/ERGOCALCIFEROL – alfalfa sprouts, chlorella, spirulina, SUNLIGHT, yeast

VITAMIN E/TOCOPHEROL – açaí, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, apples, asparagus, avocados, barley, blackberries, broccoli, brown rice, cacao/chocolate, carrots, cherries, chlorella, corn, dandelion greens, dulse, flax (oil/seeds), fruit (all), grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), kelp, leeks, nuts, oats, olive oil, oranges, parsley, parsnips, peanuts, quinoa, seeds (all), spinach, spirulina, sprouts (all), strawberries, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, tomato, vegetable oils, wheatgerm and wheatgrass (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

VITAMIN F/UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS (destroyed by heat) – açaí, almonds, avocados, chlorella, fruits (all), garlic, ginger, nuts, olive oil, oranges, parsley, peanuts, pecans, root vegetables, seeds (all), soy, spinach, spirulina, sprouts (all), sunflower seeds, vegetable oil, wheatgerm, wheat and wheatgrass

VITAMIN K/PHYLLOQUINONE – alfalfa sprouts, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cayenne pepper, chlorella, corn, ginger, grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), kale, kelp, mushrooms, oats, oatmeal, oats, peas, potato, root vegetables, rye, safflower oil, seaweed, soy, spinach, strawberries, wheatgerm and wheatgrass

VITAMIN P/BIOFLAVONOIDS (destroyed by heat) – apricots, blackberries, buckwheat, cherries, chlorella, citrus fruits (inner rind), currants, grapefruit, grapes, juniper berries, lemon, oranges, parsley and plums

VITAMIN T (very little known) – alfalfa sprouts, chlorella, plantain, sesame seeds, sesame butter (raw) and some vegetables oils

VITAMIN U (very little known) – alfalfa sprouts, cabbage (raw), celery (raw), chlorella and green vegetables (leafy and raw)

ALLYL SULFIDES – chives, garlic, leeks and onions

ALPHA-CAROTENE – berries (all), broccoli, carrots, chlorella, corn, green vegetables (leafy), oranges, peaches, pumpkin, seaweed and sweet potatoes

ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID – broccoli, potatoes and spinach

ANTHOCYANINS – black currants, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, raspberries, red cabbage and strawberries

ARGININE – apples, apricots, beans, berries (all), cacao/chocolate, coconut, eggplant, grains (all), nuts, pineapple, seeds (all), strawberries, tomato and vegetables (except celery and turnips) (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

BETA-SITOSTEROL – açaí, chlorella, fruits (all) and green vegetables (leafy)

BIOFLAVONOIDS – apricots, blackberries, black currants, blueberries, buckwheat, cantaloupe, cherries, citrus fruits, citrus skins (inner rind), cranberries, elderberries, gooseberries, grapefruit, huckleberries, lemon, onions, papaya, parsley, peppers, persimmons, plums, prunes, pomegranate, raisins, raspberries, red grapes (with seeds), strawberries, tomato and walnuts

BORON – alfalfa sprouts, almonds, apples, beans, cabbage, carrots, dates, filberts, grapes, green vegetables (leafy), hazelnuts, kelp, pears, plums, prunes, raisins, soy and wheat

CATECHIN – berries (all), black tea, cacao/chocolate, green tea and rhubarb (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

CALCIUM – açaí, alfalfa sprouts, almonds (234 milligrams per 100 gram serving), apricots, avocados, beans, brazil nuts, broccoli, cabbage, carob, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chickpeas (150 milligrams per 100 gram serving), chlorella, coconut, cornmeal, dandelion greens, dulse, figs, filberts, grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), hazelnuts, hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), hijiki sea vegetable (1,400 milligrams per 100 gram serving), kelp, lemon, lentils, lettuce, lucuma powder, maca powder, mango, mesquite powder, millet, miso, nuts, oats, onions, oranges, parsley (203 milligrams per 100 gram serving), prunes, raisins, seaweed, sesame seeds (1,160 milligrams per 100 gram serving), soy (226 milligrams per 100 gram serving), spirulina, sprouts (all), sunflower seeds, watercress, wheatgrass, and yams

CHLORINE – alfalfa sprouts, avocados, bananas, beets, blackberries, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, chlorella, coconut, cucumber, dandelion greens, dates, eggplant, figs, kale, kelp, lettuce, mushrooms, oats, onions, peaches, peas, pineapple, radish, spinach, spirulina, sprouts (all), strawberries, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, swiss chard, tomato, watercress, watermelon, wheat and wheatgrass

CHLOROPHYLL – blue-green algae, chlorella, spirulina and wheatgrass

CHROMIUM – apples, bananas, barley, basil, beans, beets, black pepper, broccoli, cacao/chocolate, carrots, chlorella, corn oil, dulse, garlic, grains (all), grapes, hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), kelp, mineral water, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, onions, oranges, raisins, seaweed, spirulina, tomato, walnuts and wheatgrass (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

COBALT – alfalfa sprouts, apricots, broccoli, chlorella, dulse, garlic, green vegetables (leafy), kelp, seaweed, spinach, spirulina, wheat, wheatgerm and wheatgrass

COENZYME Q10/UBIQUINONE – almonds, grains (all) and spinach

COPPER – açaí, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, apricots, avocados, barley, beans, beets, brazil nuts, broccoli, buckwheat, cacao/chocolate, cauliflower, chlorella, filberts, garlic, grapes, green vegetables (leafy), grains (all), hazelnuts, kelp, lentils, millet, mushrooms, nuts, oats, parsley, peas, pecans, plums, pomegranate, prunes, raisins, seaweed, soy, spirulina, sunflower seeds, tomato and walnuts (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

CRYPTOXANTHIN – apples, apricots, corn, green peppers, lemon, oranges, papaya, paprika, persimmons and starfruit
CURCUMIN – cumin seeds and turmeric
CYSTEINE – brazil nuts, soy and whole wheat

ELLAGIC ACID – apples, black currants, black walnuts, cherries, cranberries, grapes, pomegranate, raisins, raspberries and strawberries

FIBER – cacao/chocolate, chlorella, fruits (all), lucuma powder, lychee, maca powder, mesquite powder and vegetables (all) (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

FLAVONOIDS – cacao/chocolate, fruits (all) and vegetables (all) (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

FLUORINE (destroyed by heat) – alfalfa sprouts, almonds, avocados, beet greens, black tea, black-eyed peas, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, chlorella, dandelion greens, dates, endive, garlic, green tea, green vegetables (leafy), kelp, mustard greens, nuts, oats, parsley, rye, seaweed, seeds (all), spinach, tomato, turnip greens, watercress, wheat and wheatgrass

FRUCTO-OLIGOSACCHARIDES – artichokes, bananas, barley, garlic, onions and tomato


GAMMA-LINOLENIC ACID – black currant seed oil and borage seed oil

GERMANIUM – aloe vera, barley, chlorella, garlic, mushrooms (shiitake) and oats

GLUTAMIC ACID – dates and mushrooms (shiitake)

GLUTAMINE – oats, parsley and spinach

GLUTATHIONE – apples, asparagus, avocados, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, garlic, onions, parsley, peaches, potato, spinach, sprouts (all), strawberries, tomato, walnuts, watermelon and winter squash

GLYCINE – avocados, oats, wheatgerm and whole wheat

HESPERIDIN – berries (all), buckwheat, grapefruit, lemon and oranges

HISTIDINE – apples, beans, nuts, papaya, pineapple, seeds (all) and vegetables (except celery, radish and turnip)

INDOLES – Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens and radish

IODINE – apples, artichokes, asparagus, beans, beets, blueberries, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, celery, chives, chlorella, citrus fruit, coconut, dulse, eggplant, garlic, green peppers, kale, kelp, mustard greens, onions, peanuts, pears, pineapple, sea salt, seaweed, sesame seeds, soy, spinach, squash, strawberries, swiss chard, tomato, turnip, watercress, watermelon and wheat

IRON (consuming foods rich in VITAMIN C while consuming the following foods will INCREASE iron absorption) – açaí, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, apricots, artichokes, asparagus, bananas, beans, beets, blackberries, blackstrap molasses, bran flakes, cacao/chocolate, carrots, cashews, cherries, chick peas (cooked), chlorella, dandelion greens, dates, dried fruit, dulse, figs, grains (all), grapes, Grape Nuts, green peppers, green vegetables (leafy), hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), kelp, lentils, lucuma powder, maca powder, mango, mesquite powder, millet, nutritional yeast, oatmeal, onions, parsley, pecans, persimmons, pinto beans (cooked), pistachio nuts, plums, prunes, pumpkin seeds, raisins, seeds (all), seaweed, shallots, soy, spirulina, sprouts (all), squash, sunflower seeds, swiss chard, walnut, wheatgerm, wheatgrass and yams (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

ISOFLAVONES – alfalfa sprouts, berries (all), broccoli, cabbage, carrots and soy

ISOLEUCINE – apples, apricots, beans, dates, figs, nuts, peaches, pears, persimmons, rye, seeds (all), strawberries, tomato and vegetables (except celery, lettuce and radish)

KAEMPFEROL – asparagus, beets, cauliflower, dill, grapefruit and strawberries

LECITHIN – beans, grains (all) and nutritional yeast

LEUCINE – apples, apricots, dates, figs, grains (all), nuts, peaches, pears, seeds (all), strawberries, tomato and vegetables (except celery, lettuce and radish)

LIGNINS – flax (oil/seeds)

LIMONENE – caraway seeds, celery seeds, grapefruit, lemon, oranges and tangerines

LITHIUM – dulse, eggplant, green vegetables (leafy), kelp, peppers and tomato

LUTEIN – apples, apricots, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, chlorella, collard greens, corn, cranberries, kale, kiwi, lettuce, mustard greens, orange juice, orange peel, paprika, peaches, peas, potato, pumpkin, raisin, red grapes, red peppers, spinach, spirulina, tomato, turnip greens, winter squash and zucchini

LYCOPENE – apricots, carrots, chlorella, grapefruit (pink), green peppers, guava, tomato and watermelon

LYSINE – aloe vera, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, beans, cantaloupe, dates, figs, grains (all), grapefruit, nuts, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapple, seeds (all), strawberries, tomato and vegetables (all)

MAGNESIUM – açaí, alfalfa sprouts, apples, apricots, artichokes, avocados, bananas, beans, beets, broccoli, cacao/chocolate, cantaloupe, carrot, cauliflower, celery, chlorella, coconut, corn, dandelion greens, dates, dulse, fenugreek (powder/seeds), figs, garlic, grains (all), grapefruit, grapes, green vegetables (leafy), hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), lemon, lentils, mango, mesquite powder, mushrooms, nuts, oranges, paprika, parsley, peaches, pears, peppers, pineapple, plums, prunes, rice (brown/wild), seeds (all), sesame seeds, spirulina, sprouts (all), squash, strawberries, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, tomato, watercress, watermelon, wheat and wheatgrass (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

MANGANESE – alfalfa sprouts, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, beans, beet greens, beets, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, cacao/chocolate, carrots, celery, chives, chlorella, cucumber, dandelion greens, grains (all), grapefruit, green vegetables (leafy), kelp, legumes, mango, nuts, oats, oranges, parsley, peas, persimmons, pineapple, plums, prunes, seaweed, seeds (all), soy, spirulina, sweet potato, walnuts, watercress, wheatgrass and yams (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

METHIONINE – apples, apricots, bananas, brazil nuts, brown rice, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, cauliflower, chives, dates, figs, garlic, grains (all), lentils, nuts, onions, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapple, sesame seeds, soy, strawberries, sunflower seeds, tomato and watercress

METHYL-SULFONYL-METHANE/MSM – aloe vera, pine nuts and rain-watered fruits/vegetables (unwashed)

MOLYBDENUM – apricots, beans, cantaloupe, carrots, chlorella, garlic, grapes, green vegetables (leafy), grains (all), legumes, raisins, seaweed, spirulina, strawberries, sunflower seeds and wheatgrass

MONOTERENES – basil, broccoli, carrots, citrus fruits, eggplant, parsley, peppermint, tomato and yams

OMEGA FATTY ACIDS – açaí, beans, black currant seed oil, blue-green algae, borage seed oil, cabbage, canola oil, flax (oil/seeds), chlorella, corn, green vegetables (leafy), hemp (oil/seed/powder/milk), pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soy, sprouts (all), squash, vegetable oils, walnuts and wheat

PECTIN – apples, bananas, blueberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, figs, grapefruit, lima beans, mustard greens, onions, turnip greens and watercress

PHENYLALANINE – almonds, apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, beans, beets, carrots, figs, grains (all), nuts, parsley, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapple, seeds (all), strawberries, tomato and vegetables (except lettuce and radish)

PHOSPHOROUS – açaí, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, apricots, asparagus, bananas, beans, beet greens, broccoli, cabbage, celery, chlorella, coconut, corn, dates, dried fruits, dulse, grains (all), garlic, grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), kale, kelp, lentils, mango, nuts, oats, onions, parsley, peas, pistachio nuts, potato, pumpkin seeds, raisins, rice (brown/wild), seaweed, sesame seeds, seeds (all), spirulina, sprouts (all), swiss chard, watercress, wheatgerm and wheatgrass

POTASSIUM (destroyed by excessive heat) – açaí, almonds, apples, apple cider vinegar (unpasteurized), apricots, avocados, bananas, beans, beet greens, black currants, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cherries, chlorella, citrus fruits, cucumber, dandelion greens, dates, dulse, figs, garlic, grains (all), grapes, green vegetables (leafy), hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), kelp, lentils, lychee, mango, mesquite powder, mung beans, onions, oranges, papaya, peaches, pecans, pistachio nuts, plantain, potato, prunes, pumpkin seeds, raisins, sesame seeds, spirulina, sprouts (all), sunflower seeds, tomato, turnip, watercress, watermelon, wheatgrass, winter squash and yams

PROANTHOCYANADINS/ANTHOCYANOSIDES – blackberries, blueberries, citrus fruit seeds, cherries, elderberries, grape seeds and raspberries

PROTEIN – beans, broccoli (40%), brown rice, cacao/chocolate, cauliflower (40%), chlorella, fruit (2-3%), grains (all), hemp (milk/oil/powder/seed), lentils, lucuma powder, maca powder, mesquite powder, nuts, seeds (all), soy, vegetables (all) and wheatgrass (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

QUERCETIN – apples, blue-green algae, black tea, broccoli, buckwheat, cherries, citrus fruits, garlic, green tea, green vegetables (leafy), onions (yellow/purple) and red grapes

RESVERATROL – grape skins and grape leaves

RIBONUCLEIC ACID/RNA – asparagus, beets, green vegetables (leafy), lentils, mushrooms, nuts and radish

RUTIN – apricots, blackberries, buckwheat, cherries, citrus fruit peels (inner rind) and hawthorn berries

SELENIUM – alfalfa sprouts, asparagus, beets, black-eyed peas, broccoli, brown rice, cabbage, carrots, cashews, celery, chlorella, dulse, fenugreek (powder/seeds), garlic, grains (all), kelp, mango, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, nuts, onions, parsley, seaweed, soy, spirulina, sprouts (all), squash, sunflower seeds, tomato, wheatgerm and wheatgrass

SILICON – alfalfa sprouts, almonds, apples, apricots, artichokes, asparagus, bananas, barley, beets, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chlorella, corn, cucumber, dandelion greens, figs, grains (all), grapes, hemp (nuts/oil/powder/seeds), horseradish, kelp, leeks, lettuce, mustard greens, oats, onions, plums, pumpkins, radish, raisins, seeds (all), skins of fruits/vegetables, spinach, spirulina, sprouts (all), strawberries, swiss chard, sunflower seeds, tomato, watermelon, wheatgerm, wheatgrass and wild rice
SODIUM – alfalfa sprouts, apples, apricots, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, carrots, cashews, celery, chlorella, coconut, collard greens, dandelion greens, dates, dulse, figs, garlic, grapes, kale, kelp, lentils, mango, millet, okra, olives, onions, parsley, plums, prunes, raisins, red cabbage, sea salt (unrefined), seaweed, sesame seeds, spinach, spirulina, sprouts (all), strawberries, sweet potato, swiss chard, tomato, turnip, watercress, watermelon, wheat and wheatgrass

SULFORAPHANE – broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale and turnips

SULFUR – alfalfa sprouts, apples, apricots, asparagus, avocados, beans, blue-green algae, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cayenne, celery, chives, chlorella, corn, cucumber, eggplant, figs, garlic, grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), hemp (nuts/oil/powder/seeds), horseradish, kale, kelp, lima beans, nuts, oats, onions, parsnip, peaches, peas, plums, potato, prunes, pumpkin seeds, raspberries, sesame seeds, spinach, spirulina, string beans, swiss chard, tomato, turnip, watercress, wheat, wheatgerm and wheatgrass

SUPER-OXIDE DISMUTASE – broccoli, cabbage, green vegetables (leafy), nutritional yeast and wheatgrass

THERONINE – apples, apricots, beans, dates, figs, grains (all), nuts, peaches, pears, persimmons, seeds (all), strawberries, tomato and vegetables (except celery and lettuce)

TRACE MINERALS – alfalfa sprouts, chlorella, dulse, hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), kelp, nori, nuts, sea salt, seaweed, seeds (all), soy, spirulina, sprouts (all) and vegetables (all)

TRYPTOPHAN – alfalfa sprouts, avocados, bananas, beans, cacao/chocolate, cashews, chives, dates, durian, figs, grains (all), grapefruit, nuts, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, persimmons, pineapple, pumpkin seeds, seeds (all), strawberries, sunflower seeds, tomato, sweet potato and vegetables (all) (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

TYROSINE – alfalfa sprouts, almonds apples, apricots, asparagus, avocados, bananas, beans, beets, bell peppers, carrots, cherries, cucumber, figs, leeks, lettuce, parsley, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, spinach, spirulina, strawberries, sunflower seeds, watercress, watermelon, wheatgerm and whole wheat

VALINE – apples, apricots, beans, dates, figs, grains, mushrooms, nuts, peaches, pears, persimmons, seeds, strawberries, tomato and vegetables (except celery and lettuce)

VANADIUM – dill, grains, olives, parsley, radish, soy and string beans

ZEAXABTHIN – bell peppers, chlorella, corn, grapes, green vegetables (leafy), kiwi, oranges, paprika, raisins, spirulina, winter squash and zucchini


ZINC – açaí, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, aloe vera, beans, brazil nuts, cacao/chocolate, cashews, cayenne, chlorella, coconut, corn, dandelion greens, dulse, garlic, grains (all), green vegetables (leafy), hemp (milk/oil/powder/seeds), kelp, macadamia nuts, mesquite powder, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, onions, parsley, peanuts, peanut butter, peas, pecans, pine nuts, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, seaweed, sesame seeds, soy, spinach, spirulina, sunflower seeds, walnuts, wheatgerm and wheatgrass (Genuine cacao/chocolate is naturally vegan. It’s a bean.)

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