
Malix · @MalixVLR

27th Jan 2023 from TwitLonger


Hello everyone,
Thank you for taking your time to read this tweet I've given this some thought and have decided that today will be my final day working as a Coach in the Valorant scene. I would like to thank Rohit and Revenant Esports for giving me an wonderful opportunity in my career despite how short it was. I'm thankful for all the amazing players I get to work with and be able to represent Vietnam and two amazing Org over the course of my career.

Not to mention some great coaches whom have given me amazing advice @Aleckzon @Meow @0bi @fayde these coaches have been great friends and whom I want consider like an older brother of mine thank you for all the advice and the things you all have shared and taught over the past 4 years.
And I would like to thank the SEA and SA scene for supporting my journey.

Thank you all for an amazing 4 Year.

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