
Uxako · @UxakoTTV

8th Dec 2022 from TwitLonger

AYM situation

As everyone knows some months ago our situation with AYM team started falling down hill.

Since we signed with them we were expecting to gey paid monthly (as it should be) and also since we signed with them on the time of LAN so we could give Ojrein time to relocate since they said they would help him. After a month, we spoke with the manager to clarify how the money`s situation was and he just said "We are a new org and we are fixing some things", we believed them and we gave them time even tho Ojrein hadnt much time to relocate.

Second month reached and thats where all the problems started. We were asking about our salary for two months (all three players + Apex Manager) and they were saying that they had it sorted out and we would get paid in a few days.

Third month Ojrein left (I hope he explains his situation on this post) and we got paid the first month after all this time, and they said that they figured out how to pay us monthly (It didnt happen).

After Ojrein left, we brought Naghz and we where pushing them hard about our past two salaries and they paid Naghz the whole month when he was 15d in the team and our part (not full).

Hiarka with this situation & others decided to part away from the roster/org. After we tried to find a solution with the org, they decided to drop all of us saying that we would get the money that was left to pay (October Month), the expenses that we had in Raleigh (I paid it all to make easier the invoices).

From november to now, they are ignoring (me and naghz) and they still owe us money. We dont know what else to do.

Just doing this Twitlonger to explain what happened to us, try to get our money back and avoid people to fall on the same place.

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