
rocker · @rockerapex

5th Dec 2022 from TwitLonger


C9 is no longer able to support us and is leaving apex, so they gave us the option to terminate our contracts. That being said, I will be fielding all offers as support/support co-igl.

Not gonna go into crazy detail or point fingers here, but there just wasn't direction on the team when we needed it at times. That tied in with the constant micro mistakes we have been making, and lack of practice from being a team for so little while contesting, resulted in our current placement in pro league.

Not letting what happened demotivate me whatsoever, still very motivated to become the best again.

Interested in igling as well. Igl'd NRG to match point (50 points) first in two playoffs.

-#1 in individual algs points years 20-21
-100k+ earnings, haven't placed lower than top10 in every major up until this point

dm me on twitter or rocker#0789 on discord

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