My time in cowana and my future

People probably have noticed already that I am not playing any games for Cowana anymore.
Its been a month roughly since I have been benched and what can i say - fool on me to trust denis and a third time! (careful sarcasm!)

The last months have been pretty tough i would say. A lot of struggles internally on how to find fitting players, a lot of player changes, coach changes and a lot of tough losses. And I was in the middle of it all. As a captain/IGL i tried my best, but it was just too much too handle. And at some points there will player changes, with the latest one affecting me.

I can say I am a very hard worker and I did my best, so i dont have much regrets. I stayed true to who I am and what I can do. Of course you can always do more, but some aspects dont fall into my resposibilty as a player/IGL.
Which a lot of have happened in a very unfortunate way

(Maybe, just maybe, it will turn out to be fortunate in the end, because who knows what doors and opportunities will show themselves in front of me.)

I dont want to go too much into detail, but to sum it up the team decided that my calling style does not fit their idea of playing. My contract expires at the end of the year and right now I am thinking a lot about my future.

If anyone is interested in a talk, even you dont know much about me - just hit me up, do your research or just get to know me.
Oooor ask the people I played with in the last years. Thats how it goes anyways. :)

Open for any offers, playing/coaching and also other positions within eSports.

In the end I want to say thank you to all the people (I try to not call you fans, because i think you are more than that) that always supported me. Throughout the years, even in the darkest times of my career.
I noticed you, dont you worry.
And it means something,
at least for me.

Thank you!


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