
Gregan · @Gregan

30th Sep 2022 from TwitLonger

I won’t be returning as talent for the RLCS 22/23 season

During the 21-22 RLCS Fall Split, I parted ways with Guild and was immediately hired to be a part of the RLCS broadcast team. During the season I worked on: every EU regional; Fall Major; Spring Major and Worlds. The only event I missed was the Winter Major due to VISA issues.

Towards the end of the 21-22 season, discussions surrounding talent for the 22-23 season began and negotiations started. I was assured several times I would be contracted for the entire upcoming year and I was involved in all talent meetings discussing plans for the season. The contract agreements were delayed and on 28th September, 10 days before the season was due to begin, a majority of the talent team received their agreements. I, however, was sent an email stating my contract would not be renewed. I have since had meetings with my agent and the Psyonix esports team aiming to understand why the choice to remove me from the talent team was made. The only justification I have received was budget related, with reassurances that it was not personal and is not related to my performance throughout the season.

This decision blindsided myself, the other RLCS talent and my agent. We had put trust in the Psyonix esports team and patiently waited for budget approval to receive the contract I was verbally assured would arrive.

Due to the fact I was under the impression I would be brought on for the upcoming season, and with how short notice my removal has been, I have not sought any other opportunities. During the off season I did speak with a few very specific players and orgs about potential coaching positions, however these didn’t evolve past early conversations.

Whilst the coaching opportunities I looked for weren’t quite the right fit, I am still interested in returning to the role. If you are interested, or know an organisation that might be, please do not hesitate to reach out.

I am also interested in a more senior role as part of an esports organisation. I’ve had ambitions to manage and direct a multi-team high performance unit and develop competitors to win trophies across multiple titles, especially players competing in League of Legends, Valorant and CS:GO.

In the meantime I will make a return to content creation whilst searching for opportunities including RLCS team streams. As I was anticipating a contract renewal, I have also invested a lot of time and money into my largest and most exciting content project yet, which I will announce in October.

The RLCS talent are like family to me and the last thing I would want out of this post is for them to be negatively highlighted. They will continue to do an amazing job and I can’t wait to see them all smash it this season.

Thank you for the support and good luck to all involved in RLCS 22-23.


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