We hear it time and time again that in order to be successful in streaming on Twitch you need to create content on other platforms to get successful and it's true.

Managing multiple different platforms is a lot for me and I feel like having things on one place is a lot better. On my main channel on YouTube I have a community tab to keep in touch with everyone and communicate what I'm up to, like when I'll be live and so on. You will get your usual scripted content and now live streams! I have a second channel for clips and shorts, and a third channel for all of my vods from previous live streams that will not disappear!

I'm excited for all of this! With Twitch I felt stuck and without a plan. I didn't feel I had a direction or an end goal aside from hitting Partner. I have so much planned on YouTube that I'm really looking forward to and I'm ready to start this new journey <3

I have been streaming on one platform for years without considering that there are other streaming platforms I can try out and I feel like YouTube is perfect for me!

So when do I plan on streaming? At the moment I will still be streaming on Twitch to remind you all there that I will be making my adjustment to YouTube! My PNG model is in the process of getting rigged! Which means I will have a working Live 2D Vtuber model! So once that is all done I will make my move over to YouTube with a big Vtuber Debut. Right now I'm reworking everything for streaming on YouTube and it's a lot! So at this moment I don't have a debut date but I will let you all know when that happens!

I'm not going to completely disappear from the platform at all! You will still see me in my friends streams and chats and laughing with all of you! I will also not be removing my emotes or anything on my channel so if you want to continue the sub and use my emotes around that is entirely up to you! We will have the same emotes on YouTube and more since we have no cap on emotes!

Right now I will be streaming on Twitch until that happens! I'm super excited for this change and I hope to Bring you all along with me <3

Much love ❤️

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