
Cutler · @reltuC

23rd Mar 2019 from TwitLonger

My time with Envy and the plan moving foward

Firstly, I'd like to thank Envy for all the support and accommodation they've given me over the past 6-7 months under their banner. I've only positive things to say about my experiences with Envy. Truly an excellent organization.

Much of 2018 and 2019 so far have been a wild ride of constant changes and unsatisfactory performances, and for that I want to formally apologize to my fans for all the headaches and heartbreaks. I'm not one to give excuses when it comes to my personal performance lately, but I will say there have been a few factors that have significantly impacted me over the past couple months. I will address this later on in this post. As of right now, all I can do is keep practicing hard and do what I can to be the most reliable teammate there can be. I am motivated as ever and I promise again to come back even stronger. I've asked you guys to bear with me once, and I ask you here to bear with me once again.

My time with my now ex-teammates was both a learning experience, but also a frustrating one as well. We worked long and hard, but I never truly felt we developed good enough chemistry to compete against other teams. When I first joined up with the initial lineup of JDM, Nifty, semphis, and drone, there were only a few things that I needed to get used to, which in turn gave me utmost familiarity and comfort when it came to my role and positions in each of our maps. I felt I was consistently impactful and played well much more often than not. After we benched semphis and had pollo fill in for us, I was put into an IGL role within the team.
I knew my teammates desperately needed someone to step up, so it was decided that I try to take on the burden. For those couple months of IGLing, I felt I played quite well. It was until we had karrigan come in on loan for us that my performance started to take a noticeable hit. I was put into unfamiliar positions all at once and had to adjust to them within a very short amount of time before important events, such as the Americas Minor. There were also clashes
in personality and playstyle that caused rifts within some of my teammates. It just seemed like we were never going to fully connect with one another. It was an unfortunate situation for all of us.

As of today, I'm officially released from Envy and am now a free agent for the taking. While I search for a new home, I will be spending much of my time practicing and starting my stream up again with some FPL. I'm going to do my best to stream Sun-Thur starting at 10pm est and ending around 2am est. Rest assured, I'm far from retiring from this game. This setback has only fueled the flames. I will definitely come back even stronger.

Thank you to all my fans who have stuck with me through thick and thin!

For any business inquiries, please contact me @ or my agent Jason @ Players and organizations can also send me
DMs directly on Twitter for faster responses.

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