The return

The Return

First and foremost, thank you for all the support everyone has given to me while I was away, it means the world to me. Thank you to Cloud9 and my teammates who stuck around for me until I was healthy again, I’m forever grateful. I am going to do my best to make this team one of the best.

Although I kept many of you in the dark during my break from CSGO, I would like to open up a little now. I am writing this as a piece of advice to all individuals out there who are attempting to make professional gaming a career. Take the time and effort to take care of your health.

It all started a few weeks prior to Blast Copenhagen when I began experiencing chest pain and couldn’t relax or sleep properly. At Blast Copenhagen I had to go to the emergency room a few hours before the first matches because of the chest pain and difficulty breathing. My heart was beating pretty fast. Since my first visit to the hospital in Copenhagen, the doctors have been through several diagnosis, finally settling on myocarditis. Having spent ample time seeing physicians, I took it upon myself to stay home in Sweden and fully recover.

I believe one of the biggest reasons why I had to go to the hospital was that I did not take care of my health. I was stressed out about the team, eating junk food all the time, sleeping improperly, and wasn’t exercising as much as I should have been. I was sacrificing everything in the name of becoming better. Over this break, I’ve come to the realization that in order to become one of the best I need to not only spend time on the game, but also my own health. I have stopped drinking soda, began eating more healthy, limited my sugar intake, and quit snus about 4 months ago.

It feels amazing to be healthy and be able to grind CSGO to get back to my old form. And to all the gamers out there,take of your body, you only got one.

Once again, thank you.

Writing this to help others, got diagnosed with myocarditis. Recovered now and will play with my team again. Thank you for the support, I appreciate it and thanks for sticking by me!

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