
Gen.G Pathra · @Pathra

18th Feb 2019 from TwitLonger

What I want from Hearthstone:

What I want for the Hearthstone:

- It's aggro decks back so value trading is important again. Not a bunch of only OTKs running around. PepeHands

- Edit decks to be able to drag and move in the order you want them to be.

- 2v2 mode. Where you can queue and get someone random and use your mic with them in game. t1 will be done by me, t2, done by them etc. This would be good streaming content.

- Tournament mode (Kinda how Fortnite has division cups every once in a while where you collect points - not sure what the points are for but I always like trying to get them).

- A special card back or hero portrait you get for playing every month of the entire year (Rewarding players that keep playing the game with a special item).

- Reaching 5k+ wins with a class or 10k+ wins your class portrait can look a bit different (e.g. Garrosh has a cooler animation - Kinda like how Overwatch has a million portraits).

- The option for you to choose what server you want to play in and your collection goes with you. So no need for buying cards for all three servers anymore.

- For every HS expansion there is a shirt that gets released in the Blizzard merch store that people can buy to support the new expansion.

These are things I would like from Hearthstone. I love Hearthstone and I thank them for everything they've done so far for us. I hope we can see some cool things in the future. Let me know your thoughts!

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