
Gren · @YungGren

13th Feb 2019 from TwitLonger

To the NHL community

As many of you know, 2-3 years ago I said some things in which were extremely offensive. These are things I said as an immature kid and things I do not support at the slightest bit. I know that through my course of time being signed as a NHL player for an organization, people have put me under the microscope and have not been afraid to call out my wrong doings since. I cannot say that I’ve always been right. I cannot say that I’m perfect. What I can say is, I’m sorry.

I’d like to apologize to Landect and OFs for the things I have said in the past and recently. I do not stand behind these negative words and thoughts. I do not want to seem like I’m passing the blame on my former self for being “immature” as that is not the only case. We play in a very frustrating game. Things can go your way, things can also ruin an entire experience for you. I can admit I let my emotions overcome me at times, whether it’s in gameplay or in a form of chat through LG or a social media website. I will do my best to think thoroughly through my thoughts and actions going forward. Also, to anyone I disappointed by the things I’ve said, I would like to move on as a person and a player and let the past be the past and grow.

I’d also like to apologize to Simplicity and everyone apart of the organization for the drama I have brought forward. I’d also like to thank you for your continuous support during the tough goes to help better myself, better my mindset, strive for a better future, and a better NHL gaming community. Over the past year, you have helped me develop a better mindset and have strived for better from me. I’m continuing to work on this negative attribute of mine and hope I can continue to make progress.

Overall, I’d like to change as a person. No one wants to be the guy everyone has a dislike for. It’s going to take time for the community to see my name in a different light, I understand and accept that. I just want the opportunity for that chance. I have been punished for my past actions and would like to move along within this community and right the wrong. Hopefully, you allow me that chance.

Thank you,

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