My future in PUBG

Greetings to anyone reading this,

This morning I woke up to a permanent ban in PUBG...

Yeah... that's a big one to swallow in the morning after 2 years and close to 4000 hours of passionate gameplay and practice in the game. This is exactly the type of feeling that held me back from yelling and accusing players off the bat when the radar banwave hit a while back. The benefit of the doubt.

I already know what caused the banned. I can say it would be legitimate, but highly immoral. Recently I wanted to start streaming and I had to switch from normal OBS to Streamlabs to enable alerts naturally. Streamlabs OBS doesn't support my native push-to-talk button (Mouse 5) so I started to google around and found a fix in a YouTube video (

So after that I didn't ever stop to think that it would take me to this much trouble and I made an AHK script to rebound my mousebuttons to circulate to function buttons. Like this:

" #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

MButton::F7 "

I streamed and played the game happily without a hitch for a while, until this happened. I have never been suspected or accused of any sort of cheating in PUBG to my knowledge and I don't think I have ever done anything fishy or suspicious in my mind either. I have always been an above average competitive player throughout my PUBG career and the results speak for themselves.

I left a ticket to PUBG corporation about this with all the related information I could imagine, but to be honest I don't have any high hopes about their co-operation. Anyone can have their own mind and opinion about this, but I still know here I stand. If no further and deeper investigation occurs and the devs just decide to leave it at that, I admit I will be deeply disappointed.

Right now my hands are shaking due to fear. I feel deep regret about the mistake I made, even if it is small in size it shines big in repercussion. I loved the scene, I loved the players and I loved the community, but most of all I loved the game. I want to apologize for any harm and grief these news will cause to my fans and fellow players. I never meant anything like this to happen when I was just trying to create something good.

The next few days will tell what happens as I am waiting for a response to my ticket, but as AHK is an automated ban by Battleye there is little room for hope from me.


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