Hulu, Netflix & My Final Tweet on #FyreFest #FyreFraud #Fyre #GoFundMe

The effectiveness of the social media influencers and the fact they were making undisclosed paid posts that entirely subverted the truth about Fyre Festival drove me to make this account. Now I find myself coping with the other miserable thing about social media which is this manufactured conflict and tribal rage.

Hulu and Netflix marketing camps, while in service their clients throwing shade, ultimately distract from the goal of the respective films which was to tell the unvarnished truth about a festival that entered the zeitgeist because of how emblematic it was of everything wrong in “Post-Truth” millennial America. I’ve watched both films and I thought they were a fantastic complement to each other, they approached the same subject matter from wildly different perspectives and provided incredibly entertaining and informative content. Watch them both!

This festival should serve as an allegory for where we are as a country. We’ve got slowing domestic growth, a massive debt load, a broken healthcare system, a collapsing middle class and tribal political gridlock. Not unlike the millennial in their parent’s basement with no job, crippling student debt who is spending their time on social media liking posts flaunting aspirational wealth while engaging in faux-outrage. The victims of this debacle were both the very rich and the very poor, no one was insulated.

My key takeaways from this entire experience are to continue to think independently (not be swayed by influencers, hot-takes, talking heads & mass media) and to be willing to try to see the other person’s perspective (I understand how Billy got in this trap). We are all going to be stuck on the same disaster island if things go sideways because of lack of funding, poor execution and unwillingness to listen to the opposition (shout-out to the DNC & GOP).

To that end, I’m certain both teams will be disappointed with this post but I think you guys did a great job and nailed a complex story. I’m very thankful for the treatment I received as I’m sure my off-the-cuff comments that were edited could have been just as easily included to embarrass me (and may very well be at some point in the future). I’m incredibly appreciative of the two reporters, Hannah & Gabby, who honored my request for anonymity and grateful to the friends who trusted me with hyper-sensitive & confidential information that allowed me to piece this puzzle together. My hope is that some damage was minimized.

I know it’s a shot in the dark but I’ll gift this account and donate its value to Ms. Maryann Rolle of Exuma Point Restaurant, a real victim & hero of this entire story, if both Netflix & Hulu will post something nice about the other documentary. Let’s make this a teachable moment.

Have a good weekend everyone, enjoy the films!

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