
John Cusack · @johncusack

29th Dec 2018 from TwitLonger

Bernie go away campaign

As NY Times and others have been in full attack mode re -Bernie. Another home-page story today. There’s been a wave anti sanders stories —They say the same things
he’s too left, but, on the other hand, all the Dems have taken up his ideas, so…he’s too mainstream. How can he be too left and too mainstream at the same time? Don’t worry more attacks comming - he’s too old, too grumpy, too socialist, not the right gender etc.
Do they think people don’t notice that they are running these screeds nonstop, in the guise of news /analysis . Front page of the times is not neutral real estate and yet the premise is so thin
It’s almost laughable .
Is the New York Times really worried that Bernie cant get STAFF? Thats’s a front page story?
On the other hand, these stories make clear that the Times and their ilk are scared shitless that Bernie might be for real. That he can win .
On the merits here’s why NY Times front page story is jive
…1 other elected officials who may not be with him this time…so what?…his campaign was on issues and for All American people, wasn’t dependent on other electeds or corporate donors that contribute to other electeds..…2 Staff that may not be with him this time…so what?...his campaign was on issues and for All American people, wasn’t dependent on hired Staff who are really just Jockeys looking for a horse to ride, easily replaced….there are NO geniuses in this field…only people with good memories and enough vision to see new tech and how it can help in an election…the Staff can be replaced by the next 20 something hot shit kids who wants to fight for Bernie….there’s only millions of them….3 the Beto comparison is a joke…Beto isn’t competing with Bernie, Bernie is already established with 40 years of clear and consistent advocacy - Beto is competing with everyone else — all trying to establish themselves —and lets call it straight -many of them are presenting themselves in Bernie’s cloak…who made this agenda mainstream? Virtually every policy position of this new iteration of the dems is due to the sanders movement. All the policy positions once thought unthinkable - thanks to Bernie - now have the feeling of the inevitable.

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