
Avnqr · @Avnqr

22nd Dec 2018 from TwitLonger

PlayerJones statement about cheating

PlayerJones lost access to his Twitter and allowed me to share his statement


Yo guys. As all of you know there's some serious popcorn going on, and i'm involved. sadly.
I've been banned from PUBG for using radar. I dont think i ever realised what the fuck i was doing until now, when im standing here and i ruined my own career and dreams.

I can confirm from my side, wont talk for any other player. Yes it is Radar i've been banned for. I'm truly sorry, and i've been given the punishment i deserve.
My family, friends and girlfriend are very disappointed and i feel like i let a lot of people down, which i am truly sorry for.
I really dont know what to say other than i'm an actual idiot.
At first i hoped this was a mistake and i wouldnt be going to get caught, but i've realised that i would rather tell the true and come clean than lying about this for the rest of my life. You learn from your mistakes they say, and i made the biggest oopsi ever. Feelsbadman, but atleast i hope to be a better person in the future.

But i also want to point out that i've never used this for a tournament or any qualifications in any way. Never used it in duos or squads, neither in MM or competetive, so i've achieved everything i ever achieved clean.

So i used this magical radar called Xradar which apperently was 100% safe, well i guess not. I used it in the evening on December the 17th, last monday, for 2-3 hours when playing GLL Rampage. Never ever used any kind of cheat or program that would give me an advantage on any given time besides that and i wasnt planning too. I dropped out of school for this 1 year ago, and i was never going to acutally ruin my own career. I still dont realise how much of an idiot i was on that night. Like 1 night, 1 wrong move and everything is ruined.
You can either trust that or not, i dont really care. The outcome wont be any different for me, im never going to play PUBG competetive again either way, so no point in lying. I hope this scene the best, and im sorry that i'm a part of this shitstorm.
I heard about this shit from friends who'd used it and never got caught, and i started to read about it, apperently it was 100% safe lol. I was to stupid and naive not to check it out and see what the hek this shit is and if it actually were so useful that it could make you win any game if you wanted to. I won the 3 games i used it for, again not smart to be so obvious. That night was the worst night ever, and im so ashamed of what i did.
I take full responsibily of my actions though, and i 100% deserve this.

Also thanks to everyone i've met in my journy, teammates, enemies and viewers who has supported me. It's been a real pleasure to meet all of you great people, and im proud to say i've been a part of such a great community for such a long time. Really had some fun times with ya all. - But i still didnt delete my twitter, it was banned a month ago, because i wasnt 13 when i made it, which is apparently not allowed.

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