Hal Cruttenden: Chubster #edfringe #review

Hal Cruttenden: Chubster
@ Pleasance Courtyard

Comedy Reviewer 8/10
Edfringe 4 stars ★★★★

Hal openly admits that he is self-obsessed so I should have expected this rather self-indulgent show.

It's a well-polished and slick show that's rammed full of quality gags. Hal is one of the big names at this festival and you can tell; Pleasance one is not a small venue but the place is full to capacity on this rainy Monday evening.

He opens with a hilarious dance routine set to a song from Disney's "Frozen" before getting stuck into the stand-up humour we're all expecting.

He covers family, politics and sports, and Hal isn't scared to provide honest opinions either, of which some are controversial. Despite this, Hal can always back up what he says and the audience seem to let him away with it.

There's call backs as the show draws to a close but, apart from this and the opening dance routine, there is nothing that really sets this show apart from the rest.

As comedians go he's one of the biggest and best here but, for me, the show needs something more to make it a must see.

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