My thoughts on Lcs players and streamers

I’ll try not to be bias with some players since some are friends, but this is just my assessment of almost all relevant streamers/LCS players with almost 4+ years of experience playing with/against them


Imaqtpie: Getting into loadscreen and seeing qt not on a marksman during bruiser/mage bot meta made me chuckle and calculate my lp with +18-20 before the game even started...Lmao all memes aside he’s actually a beast on his main ad champs, qt has solo carried so many games vs me over the years and I think despite dropping to d2 recently he’ll be back up there with the current meta Adcs.

Tyler1: hard to tell what his real persona is vs his streamer persona but based on my experience with him in games while he’s NOT streaming, he still calls you out if you’re a bad player and will give up too quickly most times. One of the most passionate streamers playing this game that there is though, can’t take that away from him. Getting him on your team is nice because you know you’ll have one player who’s at least tryharding and (usually) not feeding. The guy needs to relax though he’s gonna get banned again if he keeps progressing like this, needs to remember he has a huge platform and fan base that don’t want that.

Nightblue3: Actually surprised that he’s pretty good, thought he was a complete meme once he went full YouTuber mode but he actually came back to grind for challenger and plays pretty good props to him

Shiphtur: Relatively consistent and usually wins lane, will randomly make outplays that will make you open his chat in the middle of the game and spam poggers or make a fail that will make you question if he’s actually on his account playing. Reminds me of a mid lane version of myself in a lot of ways, fun to duo with. Also don’t even bother typing anything to him in champ select because he’s watching cooking videos lmao... this man really asked me on stream with 11k people if I’m going to cho con and I really asked ‘what’s cho con’ thinking it was some cooking meet up or some shit..

Boxbox: all the memes are true, if he just focused less on flashy plays and played to win he’d be chall easily, but he will randomly go for weird plays that he does not have to go for and just die over and over. Mechanically the best riven next to me/viper/shiro/Adrian for sure, don’t sleep on Boxbox he’s still a beast

IWillDominate: actually does well almost every game in high elo that I play with him but he gives up too easily because he expects too much from bad teammates, actually a fault a lot of jg players have. No idea why he streams so early though I’ll be going to sleep at like 3am and he just starts his stream like buddy stop being a nocturnal bat and fucking stream at normal times

Yassuo: Literally an anime character in game, will solo carry his team or solo carry the enemy team by inting. Lol but really playing vs Moe is so annoying because no matter how hard you shit on him early, or no matter how much you camp him, he randomly gets back in the game and makes plays on you

Tarzaned: really passionate about the game, but it doesn’t excuse him from being too critical of his teammates during games though. He does well most games to be fair, but no one likes being criticized too much. He has had so many psychopath mental breakdowns in my games over the years but I think hes improved in that aspect. He should get his shit together so he can at least get the chance to go pro, NA needs more talent.

LLstylish: Almost everything I said about Boxbox but on zed. Have flamed him in the past because he’s played zed jg in my games and inted but he’s a chill guy

Dekar173: really good mechanically on riven/rengar, will powerfarm a lot. I think this guy recalls with 4K gold almost every game on my team because he never recalls and spends, but he will always be ahead in cs/xp than his lane opponent. Also kind of an overall weird guy but he’s nice lol

TFBlade: most deserving rank one player..anyone who says he isn’t is a hater. This guy actually cut off almost all his friends just to focus on streaming and going for rank 1, he’s super dedicated. We used to be so passive aggressive to each other in games but one day we got into the same discord with mutual friends and I learned he’s just a funny ass guy. But listen buddy I’m the better akali stick to irelia

Hashinshin: mechanically nutty but he gets camped so much because he actually does not give a single fuck that the jungle role exists in the game..He plays Perma Agro regardless of matchup ane just blames his own jungler when he dies. He’s accepted his flaws at this point so noflame to him but it’s just funny seeing it stay the same for so many years

Voyboy: makes crazy outplays and super crash fails but is really fun to play with, guy is super positive always and I love it. His stream persona is literally him off stream

Heisendong: this guy is actually just good at playing champs that require you to camp him or he’ll 1v5(illaoi, heimer, yorick). Always 1v5s as heimer though, he even took wrong tunes one of my games and still 1v5d. That being said I’ve never lost a game to him off of Heim. Also a super positive and chill dude.

Metaphor: Super insightful guy, really passionate about the game too. Also almost always does well but is like IWD and expects too much from his teammates and gets hard tilted. Also has potential to go pro if attitude keeps reforming

Karasmai: has had long history of sucking dick and feeding my games but recently since my 8month break has gotten way better. Someone just has to build him a customized keyboard without enter key on it and he has potential.

Doublelift: probably my favorite pro player, when he took a break from pro and streamed every day I was vs him in soloQ almost always. He actually does well on every role, not just AD. Super fun to play with/against, isn’t toxic in game at all, and outside of game he’s a chill guy as well, probably the last person I expected to meet and be friends with(from pro players). Always thought he was ego maniac douchebag but I was really wrong.
Pobelter: plays soloQ just like he is on stage, almost always consistenty does well, but he very rarely is flashy or solo carries games
Xmithie: not much experience in soloQ with him but he’s definitely not amazing at it, from years ago I remember him being a free win
Olleh: insane soloQ player, carries almost every game on any support champ, actually so unfun to play against
Impact: wins lane almost always from my experience, have not played too much with him though

Bjerg: really unfun to have on the enemy team, if your mid lane isn’t a lcs player or someone really good he will leave lane with a massive cs lead and probably some kills. Really nice guy in general though, over the years he’s added me on his accounts and talked about matchups with me and I believe he does this with many soloQ players, you can tell he’s passionate and always willing to learn.
Hauntzer: plays soloQ on the most random account names, I’ll randomly get shit on by a gnar/Jax and then two weeks later find out that account was his and feel less bad
Zven/mithy: not too much experience playing with them, but they both go ‘so time to ff?’ a lot and don’t get me wrong I’m guilty of this too just not as much as them. Usually play really good though
Grig: plays pretty well usually, recently has been getting tilted easily and kinda toxic in soloq but I’m sure he’s just under a lot of pressure because of playoffs and stuff so understandable
MikeYeung: wish he played on stage like he does in soloQ, he’s a super chad in soloQ

Licorice: this guy actually came out of no where, I used to think he was a free win and then all of a sudden he just started beating me over and over, actually insane how he got so good so fast just from soloqueueing. NA fucking talent
Sneaky: almost never plays bad, his trolly/meme style on stream is literally him off stream too, he’s never toxic at all and almost never tilt/rages in game it’s insane
Sven: not too much experience with him but he plays well most games that we’ve played
Jensen: Similar to what I said about bjerg, playing vs him when your mid is auto fill/some random NA mid is ff15. Does sometimes go full EU and wants to ff Super winnable games.
Blaberfish: I knew he’d go lcs when he kept shafting every jungle I played with and 1v5ing with season7 jungle, He just improved really fast and has most potential for being best jungler imo(blab if you’re reading this just know 0%)
Zeyzal: not much of a SoloQ player
goldenglue: has had a rough road in lcs but he’s deserving of where he is now, he’s grinded a lot and I’ve seen his growth as a player. Glad to see his potential being used. Ngl, I Did have my doubts at some points but he’s doin good

Dardoch: won’t forget when I was 14 and he flamed me so hard I blocked him so he added my Skype and said sorry.. also won’t forget when I was 13, two days from turning 14 and he gate keeped my challenger promos (yes this was before master tier throwback to D1 99lp +0) and I didn’t get to make a reddit post saying I was 13 and chall. One of my longest friends who’s in lcs rn that I met from League. When he was hi I’m Joshie he was the most hated humans on NA soloq but I always saw his potential. He has definitely reformed but still has his hi I’m Joshie outbreaks in soloQ sometimes. I’ve said this about many players but Dd is actually the most passionate nalcs player by far, no ones close.
Fenix(lol): really nice guy, always had good attitude in soloQ at least.
Froggen: doesn’t type much in soloQ, just always does well in lane tbh
Damonte: Used to be a hardflamer and passive aggressive and we would just flame each other but we always apologized and made amends, he’s a good guy deep down just passionate. He’s improved so much so fast and excited to see him grow more and shit on kids in lcs.
Altec(lolx2): good player doesn’t type just plays the game and does well most of the time. Used to duoabuse with Adrian.. such a cuck
Lost: idk
Smoothie: SoloQ chad, always positive and never plays bad honestly, overall such a nice guy. I also remember adding him sooo long ago and saying he’d be lcs one day.

Darshan: He used to soloQ so much more and I always thought of him as a really good player, he’d always ask me for matchup advice for riven and other champs, always looking to improve.
Reignover: just power farms the entire game usually, worked in season6 but after that he is just free lp in soloQ. Also was toxic to me in games he would feed..
Stixxay: don’t sleep on this guys vayne, he has the mechanics maybe just not the consistency? Idk. Either way he’s a beast just needs better team imo
Biofrost: not much experience with him but he’s average, always liked his thresh but everything else is just average. Nice dude never toxic
Huhi: I think he’s a good guy but maybe needs to practice more champs to actually master them? Idk.. he doesn’t impress me too much with his soloQ gameplay but I know he has potential just needs to practice more I think.

POE: Not much experience in soloQ with him, he just abused talon in some of my games like a cuck
Akaadian: huge chad, will solo carry soloQ games I think he just needs to play like he does in soloQ on stage, maybe it’s confidence issue on stage? Not sure. Either way he’s got the potential
Arrow: unimpressive but does okay when he’s duo with his support
Dhokla: really surprised he got on stage so quickly, I think he definitely has potential to rise to the top, really gifted mechanically
Big: he might have had ambiguous account names but idk not much experience with him

Wildturtle: Super down to earth guy, can be inconsistent but for the most part always such a pleasure to play with him
anda: don’t sleep on him this guy knows how to jg in soloQ, his nid is unreal clean
Flame: love this guy, still asks me to 1v1 to practice before lcs games sometimes, he’s super good always wanting to improve. Can be toxic and ff15 mental tho
Fly: idk
Stunt: improved soooo much, he never flames and overall has a good attitude. Still don’t know why I got blocked randomly by him a while ago but we cool now
Santorin: dont sleep on Santorin, the guy is just nonstop getting better. Also a pro I didn’t expect to be friends with but glad he’s back in NA.

Golden Guardians:
Lourlo: Literally always nice, the guy is just a good role model. Watch his stream to improve in top lane
Contractz: ngl used to flame him and I’m pretty sure he hated me but we’re cool now, he’s improved a ton
Mickey: idk
Matt: has some massive pop offs, kinda plays like Aphromoo tbh. Focuses a lot on macro. Also if you’re reading this you lost so much fkn weight that shits nuts, actually smurfing irl. Twitch chat can’t say fatt anymore otherwise you’re just deflecting go buy a treadmill you mongs
Deftly: used to always duo abuse with licorice and never lose, nice guy tho if any of you reading this see him in person during fanmeet or whatever just say revenge says ‘LAN’ And he’ll know

Aphromoo: you get the vibe that he has an ego when you play with him but then again he is pretty good so it’s warranted, he goes for a lot of plays that you 100% need coms for so he’ll just int and none of us will know what’s going on because we didn’t know what he’s trying to do.. happens all the time
Cody sun: actually a god lol
Ryu: not a fan doesn’t usually play well on my team and always plays Zoe on enemy team and 1v9s. Also every time he feeds I just can’t get that image of the face he made when faker clapped him out of my head
Ssumday: so fun to lane vs him because he’s not a pussy, he will fight you over and over he gives no fucks

Febiven: OPEN MIDDD *continues to tryhard and solo win game*
Solo: needs remove enter key treatment, but he’s a really good player and is reforming
Apollo: super nice guy, always trying to improve
Lira: lee sin god
Hakuho: plays wayyyy better on stage all ill say. He’s a nice guy tho never flames

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