Nestor Tanic · @LETN1CSGO

14th Aug 2018 from TwitLonger

Valiance roster changes!

As team Captain i felt need to write statement about changes in our team. First of all i want to thanks NENO for being a part of the team over a year , we had good time together and the biggest success in our career. As i saw what he wrote i decide to do the same.

Neno was replaced for multiple reasons. In his statement he said he decided to handle IGL role to me , but thats not the truth. Guys in team couldnt handle his toxicity anymore as IGL and he was saying he wont lead anymore after every bad game or bad practice and once we had enough of his quiting on us , i said ok i will take the lead u dont need to think about that anymore and i was IGL only in few games not 2 months like he said.
There are multiple reasons why he got replaced like toxicity,not putting hours or effort in game,late on practice-canceling practice,etc. Last thing that happened was totally unacceptable, we had weekend off pracc it was friday and saturday. He was late 5 hours on practice on sunday and team managment decided to talk with him cause of his behaviour. He just didnt show up in next few days and didnt talk with any of players,we were forced to bring stand-ins to practice. He put himself on first place and literally screwed the 5 of us,i dont know what happened between him and managment but he should come on practice and talk with us about that instead not showing up at all which was totally unfair to us as his teammates,so i dont know why he is acting surprised... I just hope that people will figure out what is the right side of the medal.I respect and support every decision our organisation made.
I rly wish the best of luck to him in his future career,but his statement is not true and that triggered me to make my own statement about that.

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