Fin Taylor: When Harassy Met Sally #edfringe #review

Fin Taylor: When Harassy Met Sally
@ Pleasance Courtyard

Comedy Reviewer 9/10
Edfringe 5 stars ★★★★★

Taylor explains that this is a performance and not a discussion as he makes it clear from the start that this show will, at some point, offend everyone. It's a bold statement but I genuinely think it helps break the ice and prepare the audience for what's to come. I think most of the audience are aware that Taylor is renowned for being outspoken. He is met with very little resistance from the audience as he races through this wonderfully scripted, thought-provoking hour.

The topics may be difficult for some to debate; you will not always 100% agree, but these subjects are in need of discussion. Society has gone OTT and Taylor is simply questioning if what we're doing is correct and pointing out that there are many things to consider in current trending arguments. You need to enter this show with an open mind; if you're easily offended it may not be for you.

However in saying this, I believe that everyone in the audience will take something away from this show.

It's such a professional performance from Taylor; something of a masterclass. He storms the stage full of energy and somehow keeps it going for the full hour.
I think it's a shame that some might mark him down as they fail to acknowledge beliefs that oppose their own. For me though, there is something special about this show that makes it a must-see.

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