Jamie MacDonald: Blinkered #edfringe #review

Jamie MacDonald: Blinkered

Comedy Reviewer 7/10
Edfringe 3 stars ★★★

Another joyous show from the comedian with a pretty good USP. In his own words "not quite as good as lost voice guy, but pretty bloody good nonetheless".

I always find myself fearful when Jamie is first led on to the stage, and much of his audience seem to feel the same. There is a tendency to be genuinely taken aback by the sight of a blind person holding a white stick. The atmosphere is often brought down as people may be thinking "Is it okay to laugh?" or "Will this be funny?".

Well, never should we fear. Jamie's tales are always very funny; many are simply mishaps that could happen to you or I, but because of Jamie's lack of sight each story is all the funnier as he describes hilarious situations that he simply can't get out of. Nightclub dancing, trying to use a toilet in France and Air B&B holidays to Skye were all personal highlights.
The opening fears are soon well-forgotten as Jamie knows exactly how to lift the crowd. He works the room well and is even open to a little audience interaction.

This is a good offering; a hugely enjoyable show but, for me, not as good as last year. He set the bar very high and this show is very good but simply doesn't reach the heights of 2017.

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