
Tobias Fate · @Tobias_Fate

21st Jul 2018 from TwitLonger

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For the past few years I've ruined my own health over this game because of how much time and effort I put into it, but one day it just kind of clicked that there's more for me out there than just this game.

Winning, losing, rank and just League in general is NOT a priority of mine. AT ALL. I still enjoy playing the game, but only because of a few certain characters who I quite like and because of how cool the overall lore really is. So props to the people who do that stuff.

I have not lost my mind and suddenly became complete shit at the game, I just stopped caring when I decided to try things other things that I surprisingly enjoyed. Like GOING OUTSIDE AND TALKING TO HUMAN BEINGS, or working on Warhammer, which has been a hobby of mine for over 10 years now, but stopped when I started streaming full-time.

So no, I'm not done with League, I just don't prioritize it over everything now.

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