Dear Brawl League Community,

Dear Brawl League Community,

Yesterday we were informed that our admin, leader, and friend Antipop passed away. We have reached out to his family and unfortunately have confirmation that what we were told is true.
In his time here, Antipop dedicated himself to growing this community, always going above and beyond. From pushing us to be our best selves to always being approachable and open no matter what, Anti was always there. This loss is something that we all feel deeply. His departure has left a hole that cannot be filled. Khalil Gibran once wrote that love is work made visible. In Antipop’s case you can’t take three steps without seeing evidence of his love in the legacy he’s left behind.

We ask for your patience as we all grieve the loss of our friend. If any of you need to talk, the Brawl League team is here. Going forward we will be taking a short break to figure out our next steps.

If you wish to share any stories of how Antipop impacted your life or say goodbye you can do so here. We will be printing and mailing these stories to his family so that they can see the impact he had on us all.

Thank you.

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