
Metsanauris · @Metsanauris

12th Jul 2018 from TwitLonger

End of chapter. Released from CoL

Hey, As of today i've been released from CompLexity and decided to make a twitlonger to sum everything up.

I want to thank my ex-teammates Mognus and al0t for amazing memories over the past 17 months and i'm not bitter to them or anything like that. We went through so many ups and downs and i learned so much during this time. This is how the industry works and we're all here to be in the best team in the world. If anything, this has just motivated me more and i've been putting 110% on finding myself a new team. This is also the reason why i haven't streamed or uploaded youtube videos at all. Hopefully i will have news about a new team for you soon. I will still play NBC Universal Open with Mognus. I hope nothing but the best for both Mognus and al0t, can't wait to compete against them in the future.

Would also like to thank CompLexity for being one of the best orgs out there. It was an honor to represent an organisation with that kind of legacy and player-treatment. I have never seen any org care so much about their players. Thank you.

I'm also in progress of moving out to the town, and that is taking a lot of my time. This means i will have a good stable internet for the first time in my life which will make streaming so much easier. I should be done with moving in a month so that's when you can expect consistent streams.

This will be ending a chapter in my life and my career, which was wonderful but it allows me to move on to the next chapter. Thank you for all the support and i hope you continue supporting me through this phase.


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