
Josh Black · @XternalzOCE

26th Jun 2018 from TwitLonger

My future for pubg.

So idk how to start this but I guess saying that I have stepped down from Team Immunity as a PUBG player and left the team as a whole would be a good start.

I never thought I would be typing this but here I am. I am very upset that things could not work out. But for everyone involved I think it is the best move to step down. It was an absolute pleasure playing with these boys. I'm happy with how we performed and even know I was only in the team for a few months at the most I felt like we were family.

I wish them all the best for the future.I want to thank them individually especially @Nutshot_au , @BiggyyJ and @strik3rgaming boys, we have been through a lot of things as a team. I love you all so very much. To the org @TeamImmunity thank you for allowing me to apart of the org and I wish you all the best as well. @TheSjambok I wish you the best as well mate, keep those brows on fleek.

For me as a player. My future is really undecided, so this may not be the end of me. But for now it is.

Thank you.

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