My 2 cents on the new meta.

It's so fullfilling to watch some "good" ADC's whine that they can no longer know only 3 little aspects of the pure gameplay (CS'ing, positioning abusing 1 thousand range, and QSS'ing) and be a relevant pro-player. If Riot keeps working in this direction, not only the games will become more fun to play and watch, but soon all the "rusty" ADC's will get benched, which is a great thing for our game that shifts so quickly.
Why is it a good thing that not only Marksmen are being played bot?
First of all, there are too little Marksmen with lots of magic damage, which sometimes limits champion diversity on other roles (if you dont play brand/zyra sup wtih AD Marksman, u can almost never pick an AD mid without automatically losing after 30 mins).
Secondly, and more importantly, when Marksmen are too powerful (last 2 seasons atleast, with disgusting RFC+IE/guinZoo), you need to have enough of the 3-4 aspects in your teamcomp: tanks, disengage/mobility, zonecontrol, shields/heals. Otherwise your marksmen will be less useful than enemy's and u'll lose any game that goes equally past 25 mins. When you are forced to always draft those aspects in your teamcomp, champ diversity shrinks so much...
But when Marsmen aren't OP and rather are an option, we can see so much more new champs on other roles, mindgames in drafts, and overall strats!
Not to mention that all the ppl I know from silver to diamond seem to enjoy playing what they like on bot more than be locked to choose ADC, so it seem to be a tendency.

There is one more thing I wanted to mention about new patches. Regarding this "funneling strategy". I think that on one hand it gives league some more strats to choose from, but on the other hand overall gameplay of this strat is unbeliavably boring and low-interactive. Just like it was with laneswaps. It's not that bad with yi+sup, because if u have a proper mid+jungle champs, u can contest the mid wave and there might be some action, but when its ranged champ + braum/taric/lulu - it becomes boring really fast: those champs are stronger 2v2 than almost any of the jg+mid duo, so the game becomes just farming and team with fair-champs trying to make plays on sides while enemy monster scales, which is really one-dimention and boring to both watch and play imo. So I hope it's gonna get either changed so there will be more possible interaction, or that it will be removed completely.
Although I have to say that it feels great that u have an option to be the "carry" as a jungler right now, after all those years of slavery...
Peace. ^^

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