Current Situation

I want to address the current situation with the individual named "Junkrat Waifu"

He commissioned me for a custom Junkrat avatar that wouldn't get hit by copyright since that's the character he plays for his streams. I listed all my ideas, etc etc and then he paid me $200 for the commission. I then got to work as soon as possible. I've been sending him screenshots and details of the progress regularly which was a mistake to do unfortunately.

Once I was way more than halfway finished with the commission (Atleast 1 more hour of work and the model would have been finished) He comes to me asking for a full refund. The reason; His friend has took up the job for free but here's the catch, it wasn't just any model his friend created.. Junkrat Waifu sent his friend all the details and screenshots that I provided of MY work and had his friend create an exact replica and then sent ME the screenshot. Which as an artist is a huge slap to the face towards me. He stole my work. No other way to put it: STOLE MY WORK. I told him this wasn't cool at all but he acted as if it was ok. Which any sensible person would see is NOT ok.

After that I told him everything wrong with what he was asking, which by the way in my TOS it clearly states that after I'm halfway done a commission, no refunds. But me being a nice person I held my tongue and said I would give him one in a week.

At this point I was going to... That is until he came to me with a fake sob story after reading the TOS. At that point I had to block him and kick him from my discord server. Stealing my work and then lying straight to my face is beyond crossing the line.

After that I told our mutual friend Winterz that if he wanted the model I would gladly give it to him but he is NOT getting a refund for trying to make a fool out of me.

Now, even though what he did was beyond fucked up, he is getting people together to start a witch hunt against me. For what HE did wrong.

I am already under a lot of stress and now have to deal with more stress for something that I didn't do wrong.

With that being said, I may be leaving the VRChat community since I will not be part of stupid drama anymore. I'm done.

Be careful who you do business with. Because assholes like this ruin everything.

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