Ely State Prison

Ely State Prison is 100% out of control, people are being murdered left and right. And it seems to all be by DESIGN! The administration purposely organizes units in such a way that has enemies coming out on tier at the same time. Or, in the lockdown units. They mix PC's with active gang members, then allow trainees to work the control panel. On April 17th, one of these trainees accidentally let two active gang members out of their cell while a PC inmate was on the phone. And they murdered him! They stabbed him so many times that they got bored and returned to their cells. All without the guards eve noticing! The poor guy just laid there and bled to death. The guards didn't even realize it until nearly 15 minutes later. The guard's joke that "It's better that way, a life flight costs the prison $60k, a body bag is $5." And yes, I said this is all by DESIGN. Why? Because E.S.P. was a max custody locked down the prison for years. but the new Director of prisons ordered them to "open it up." Yeah, well Warden Gittere and them don't want to. They want to keep us slammed down like animals. So this is their solution: they open it in such a way that guarantees maximum casualties! Now all these dudes are dying and they can say, "see! We told you! These animals need to be locked down." And yeah, alot of these guys are very lost. But the simple fact is that these deaths can be prevented. That is only if the Wardens WANTED to prevent them. Futhermore, they CANCELLED the anger management programs, they deny the majority of the prison their right to attend church. They force us to clean our toilets with our BARE HANDS. They do everything in their power to provoke us. And for the guys who don't want to participate in the prison violence, or who have "bad chargers," E.S.P. doesn't even provide a PC unit! And they want to tell me that if I even defend myself I'll be slammed down 5 years - they want people to DIE. I can't stop thinking of how that could have been me stabbed to death while on the phone. Obvious, I get way too complacent on that phone. But thanks to God's grace I'm still okay. Yeah, I'll have my back to the wall from now on. I'm not gonna let these Wardens kill me. I hope this blog reaches the eyes of someone who matters. Pray for these inmates. Pray for Nevada's Governor; only christ can improve this mess!

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