The balance in hots xd

Hi fam.
I havnent had huge problems with the current state of hl, neither the "grind to get gm", which is obviosly bad. But when it comes to balance ive a different view. I dont want my stream to come off as salty, so i decided to write this instead of talking about the problems on my stream.

Ive lately been a bit frustrated with the state of the game in terms of balance. It feels like the same heroes gets played over and over again - good heroes (sometimes) gets nerfed, bad heroes forgotten. The main way the "forgotten" heroes gets viable again is through reworks to make them stronger - not balance.
A lot of people think raynor needs to get reworked for example, and think the reason he is not viable is the design of the hero. Could he be designed better? ofc. Should we wait 1 year for a rework or just make a balance patch in between? Tyrande is another underpowered hero, that only got 1 sec cd reduction on heal for a long time.

Fenix comes out disgustingly op, and it takes 2 weeks to make a balance patch on him??? I feel like when a new hero is op in a ranked mode, its really fucking bad having to wait 2 weeks. And even after the nerfs he still seem to dominate. The same can be said for hanzo which have been tier s for months (even tho he wasnt op on release).
From the different mobas ive played (Dota2, HoN, dota1, strife etc etc), hots seem to have the worst balance it terms of how many heroes are viable. Other games have op heroes aswell ofc, but they dont have 30% of the heroes useless, when compared to others (like hanzo is to raynor/valla) and any support that isnt stukov or malf.

Anyway, just wanted to create some dicussions PJSalt btw

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