My only (constructive) criticism of Britbong, in all due respect, to help

I was looking forward to express all of this within a space that's somehow of trust, Brit, becauseI don't think a Pastebin is trustworthy enough to actually direct to you, and I understand that, because of the situation you're involved.

I write this as a person who deeply respects you not only as a person, but also as an entertainer and a content creator, someone who has the capacity of creating content or streams that are legit honest entertainment, and not something that merely insults your intelligence for the sake of a quick buck, but you need to understand that I try to help you, out of the rambling meditation of a sleepless night generated by craploads of caffeine, but especially given the situation I've created as of recent and the actions I've done recently, and the things I've seen from you lately. This is not some grem attempt to bash you over, but a collection of ideas I have to offer to be able to further progress not only for you and even me, but also for the media and platforms we depend on.

Deep down, your streams are great so far and your red pills are the finest, probably not as great as someone in the likenesses of Harmful Opinions or even Sam Hyde, the latter being probably one of your early inspirations for your content, but still it's honest, thoughtful and deliberately of quality. However, my problem resides in the fact that you've been playing a little bit too safe in the platforms you're safe on. I know you're concerned of your safety, but I think I will explain new visions and ideas about it in a second.

I know I tend to slip out a lot of edgy shit lately and it might risk me in getting me deplatformed everywhere, I know that, and I can't do things out of legal or integral boundaries if I really want to keep my head on my neck, but you need to understand that I do this within limits that are not suicidal (or at least intend to) because I keep fighting the good fight.

A lot of social media platforms et all tend to inherently make you think that, if you keep doing your stuff on places like Gab or StreamMe, as long as it is outside their platforms, it's fine, and it's making a lot of the good fighters very passive, letting them platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Twitter and all to keep doing whatever totalitarian shit they're doing surrounding themselves into literal "yesmen" consumers that play their game. It's either playing their game to be able to survive or get out. These platforms offer you the food, they're the hand that feeds more than the other alternative platforms that exist currently. And it's sad to see this like this, but, if we want to make an omelette, we need to break a couple eggs. If we want to find another way to the castle, we need to burn a couple bridges. If we want to break through the castle and take over and change how things go there, we need a trebuchet to throw the gates down.

I think you may understand where I'm going here. Not necessarily in a way that harms our integrity, of course, with a little bit of thinking outside the box, we can make it ensuring ourselves none of the gremlins, or stalkers, or anyone else might find a weakspot.

"I get banned over and over again on YouTube": let me give you an idea that PERHAPS may work: think of making something completely different to your Britbong stuff, something that is completely separate of your streams or your own original Britbong branding or ideas, that actually has the same moral and ethical point of view of yourself, but with a completely different name, and slip it into YouTube. BOOM. Maybe you got yourself a way to infiltrate YouTube as another completely different thing that's merely unrecognizable to your rivals. And if anyone finds out and erases that, think outside of the box again. Get inspired by those you deem be able to get inspired from. Look for a standard to get inspired from, but especially new things that probably you haven't tried before. I mean, you already infiltrated YouTube with your The Real Boyd Doghouse account to do your thing. And so far, so good.

The thing is, this attitude of keeping ourselves in a safe spot and a confort zone like StreamMe or Gab might be safe, but doesn't change anything. That doesn't change YouTube, or Twitch, or people like Michael Green or Keemstar, on anything. It's the kind of attitude the mainstream is trying to enforce subtly on us to make us docile and play by their rules. On the other hand, taking the balls and, within smart and ensured limits, try to face off the system and its problems in new and inventive ways will definately change things.

Germany might have lost WW2, but there's still the so-called "neo-nazis" that keep the Nazi Germany alive in some way. New ideas came from them, generally in the form of various rightwing movements, that amongst many things, led to events like the election of Donald Trump in the US (made possible by generally lightly rightleaning people) or the creation of right wing parties. This can be applied to anything, basically, because an ideal, like that of Nazi Germany or any group conceivable, is like a rising Phoenix. It never dies, and if it looks like it does, it will rise again in another way.

My ideal? I just want to watch the whole world burn, or rather, in proper terms, watch an unfair world burn. Anarchy. You know what is good about it? It's fair; equal opportunities, power and condition between each and every other human being. They may end up eating themselves at some point, but the equality of condition and status is what makes it fair. That's why I keep making edgy shit from time to time on mainstream social media to actually force in some way these media to adapt and changeover.

You got a lot of lost potential that is deeply buried within the comfort zone mainstream social media and everyone connected to them created on you for you to stay in StreamMe and Gab. But not everything is lost. Hopefully you can do better with what I said here, because all I want, like to myself, is to do better.

Bigger. Badder. Stronger. Better.

Thank you for your entertainment, and keep fighting. Oi!

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