
Mosaic Esports · @MosaicGG

26th Mar 2018 from TwitLonger

Mosaic's Current Situation

Mosaic has been going through a lot of internal turmoil for the last several months, and it’s gotten to a point where I believe the best option is to address the problems publicly so that we can move forward in a better direction.

Mosaic has over promised and under delivered to everyone, but especially our players. When we first started, our CEO promised a different kind of esports team - one that was transparent, trustworthy, and committed to changing the shady landscape. It’s become clear now that those words have been empty for some time. Goalposts began to shift, salaries were delayed and underpaid, and promises started to evaporate. Big deals that were dangled in front of us turned out to be mostly illusions.

This post is not meant to throw mud and blame. I personally ignored a lot of red flags that I should not have, and potentially could have stopped things before they’d gotten this far. I want to take responsibility for my actions in all this, I certainly did not live up to my duties as the COO of the team.

It is, however, important to me that I make it clear who does not deserve to be painted with the same brush. Our director of players, director of team operations, coaches and players have all dedicated countless hours of their lives for the past many months towards a common goal of succeeding in Contenders, and my heart is heavy that factors outside of their control have affected our chances.

Our goal all along has been to make a name for ourselves in Contenders, but this is not the name we sought. We still want our talented players and coaches to have the best opportunity to showcase themselves and as staff, we’ll stay and help until the end of this season, if the players want. We’ll be dropping the Mosaic name and competing under a new one as soon as we can to allow the team to rebuild from scratch with a more stable foundation.


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