
cjayride · @cjayride

24th Mar 2018 from TwitLonger

Current State of CJayride

Really at a loss for words. It seems the harassment that @TwitchSupport allowed on their platform and spilled over to @facebook still exists. Around 17,000 people are still in the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1982880725058580/

I genuinely started streaming on Twitch for fun. Ever since the days of Justin.tv – I always looked up to and respected the platform. During good times and bad, I did whatever Twitch asked of me without hesitation because I took pride in being a Twitch broadcaster. Over the past year, however, my opinions have changed. After meeting Twitch staff in person, talking to them in DMs, and evening having to tell a Twitch staff member on my live broadcast that he needs to respect the people on my stream or get out –I’m not so sure I have the same feelings.

Today I feel like I have to tell strangers I'm a YouTuber. I'm afraid someone will attack me after they Google my name. I've taken a big hit for Twitch so that it may survive as a company in Taiwan--but the result is that it has destroyed my own life in a city where I grew up 11 years ago. I can no longer get a job in Taiwan because everyone knows who I am. I was let go from my last job when Twitch Taiwan asked me to make a public apology video. After the most recent apology video (which there were no mistakes of my own) I can't go anywhere without being harassed. It’s horrible. Regular activities like getting my haircut, going to the store, or taking friends on tours of Taipei is a nightmare. But interestingly (for lack of a better word) this same kind of hate by Taiwanese towards foreigners (foreigners who don't mean anything bad towards Taiwan) is common. Examples are of other broadcasters (Morales) and businessmen (Tim Ferris) who left Taiwan and pulled out their investments.

Really big warning to YouTubers or anyone thinking about streaming on Twitch: Twitch is a very political environment. People are out to get you, you just can't see it yet. Build a community of real-life friends to manage your brand and broadcast (not internet friends), because you won't survive alone. I've been very lucky to have a support team and dedicated followers up till this point (cjayL).

Regarding the GoFundMe legal action: The Apple Daily did not respond to the request set forth by my lawyers and the next step is to file a lawsuit which will happen soon. NEXTTV you're up next on the list of 20 companies, because you seem to think that stalking me in your vans and cars is acceptable. Criminal charges have been filed against a dozen individuals in the Facebook group, and my legal cost is $10K USD and expected to rise.

Tomorrow I'll be in Hong Kong --yay! A much needed trip. Close friends have mentioned they need to get away from Taiwan every couple months. The lack of education in Taiwan is a mega-drain on your well-being. It's a fun place to be, but I don’t have to always enjoy it. Heck... I don't always like being in the USA either. Yes I know… the last few sentences sound like complaining, but the common rebuttal I get from Taiwanese locals; “Well if you don’t like being here why don't you just leave.” /facepalm

The CJayride channel is approaching 12-months of Twitch "Partnership" and I'll be assessing the longevity of this experiment which is: broadcasting my awkward, gamer-nerd character in the outside world. Will Hong Kong be the next move? Maybe Korea? There's still a few things to wait on (legal action). Till this day, I cannot go outside without being frustrated. I had a career before Twitch, I was respected by my peers, and the cost of staying in Taiwan (in its current state) is not worth it. Maybe this experiment will just come to an end? I don’t want to say that –not yet.

There's no question that the media has made a negative impact on the CJayride channel and business. Taiwan is forcing me out. There's too many uneducated people and they are blind followers of attacks towards me, friends, family, and other broadcasters. I don't say this to be rude, but it's harsh fact. Example evidence: Forbe's recent reporting of, "Taiwan's Wages Are As Low As Mexico's." The people here are suppressed. It sucks.

Till the end of April I'll keep fighting the fight, but if the local Taiwanese people do not understand by then that I'm not the white devil here to destroy their country then I, “..Will just leave” --as they keep recommending. I try really hard to be modest, polite, and professional, but the nationalists in Taiwan seem to think that the world revolves around Taiwan and they are not doing their country a favor. China’s “President” Xi recently reminded the world this week that he will take Taiwan back under its control –so a message to Taiwan nationalists: Stop kicking out foreigners, allies, and friends, or you’ll have none left when China walks on over.

Right now I'm thinking about making a YouTube video. A storytelling session about my life in Taiwan as a student, office worker, and broadcaster. I hope that it will provide insight and advice to others who may encounter similar situations. People seem to think they know me, or know “CJayride” because of a 30 second clip. This video is for you.

Join us on Discord for further discussion: www.discord.gg/cjayride

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