
CivRyan · @CivRyan

18th Mar 2018 from TwitLonger


As some of you already know, I have resigned from the DOJ. I have left for personal reasons and decided to take on a new challenge. I will be helping out @JeffFavignano and @DkDave build the Civilian Department over at OCRP. I want to make it very clear that this has NOTHING to do with Polecat or any other member, I simply felt that I wanted to take on a new challenge. I have spent the last year and a half of my life building the Civilian Department in DOJ and I finally feel comfortable enough to pass the torch as I’ve decided it’s time to tackle a new challenge. I am very much still friends with Polecat and many members of DOJ and we will continue to play games together. DOJ is one of the best communities out there and I would recommend for anyone that is interested in it to apply. I also cannot thank @Polecat324 enough for giving me a platform to showcase my talents, I wouldn't be anywhere without his support and it means more than he knows. And let me be clear, there is ZERO bad blood between myself and the DOJ so anyone that wants to spread false rumors can move along.I love and respect the DOJ and wish everyone over there the best. Thank you to all those who support myself as well as the DOJ. This year has changed my life, and I have each and every one of you to thank for it. Kisses.

- CivRyan

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