
Chris Tsako · @FenoHS

11th Mar 2018 from TwitLonger

Problem with EU/ASIA Ladder that needs to be addressed

The fact that people started on rank 1 with 5 stars on Asia and EU probably triggered a glich in the mmr system and its close to impossible to climb unless you have an insane winrate. As a result no one in the top 100 of EU/Asia is moving atm. Here are some examples:

1st: Casie entered Legend from rank 1 5 stars as soon as the "fix" rolled out, after a couple of hours he got pushed to #15 and now after all these days he is at #14 without playing a single game.

2nd: 4 days ago i was playing on EU facing mostly the same guy that was around my rank and heres my rank progress : 102-99-96-87-80-70. So i stoped playing cause it seemed impossible to climb. Now i am rank 68 without playing a single game.

3rd: https://twitter.com/Surrender_hs/status/971644427906170881 . Surrender hit Legend with 1 game a couple of days ago and he hasn't moved a rank (most likely wont if nothing changes).

So we really need this to be adressed from Blizzard since this Month only NA is working properly and it seems very unfair if people end up geting a finish based on a system glich. It's seems like everyone has last seasons mmr but way more solid.

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