11th Jan 2018 from TwitLonger

hiatus from cs

Today, I've officially taken the decision of taking a break of cs.

Everything started back then when I had a motorcycle accident that left me unable to walk a couple months. Then @tiz_cs then asked me if I wanted to jump in his team and that's where I met my beloved teammate @SubrozaCSGO. As we jumped in to the Main division,I met some wonderful teammates @effysgo and @vEzCSGO. Time passed, and we joined a youngster known as @GuimondCS. Even though the team had up and downs, I was deeply attached to it. I felt sick when things didn't work out or when we were angry at each other, but it happens. I'll never forget the time I spent with them, I love them a lot and I wish them the best.

I'm hanging the mice as I'll be focusing on finishing my university degree. I would be lying if I'd say that I'm taking this decision without a shed of regret.


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