We would like to inform the growing FT community that we have decided to extend the marketing period for the project with one month i.e. the ICO will start on February 15th instead of January 15th. The reason behind this decision is the following:

While the community around the Fabric Token project has been growing immensely, especially over the past few days, we feel that, due to the Holidays, and due to the low online activity at the end of December and beginning of January, we will need some extra time in order to market the FT platform properly.

Since we won't be holding any pre-sales (the project is already well-funded) or secondary sales, it is extremely important that the one sale we will hold (starting now on February 15th) is fully successful.

We feel that this extra month will be more than enough to grow the FT community to well beyond our expectations and that, with the release of TokenGen in early February, right before the ICO, the hype around the Fabric Token project will be immense.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

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