timothy exposed: all the proofs + tim's mental disorder -read EVERYTHING-

before talking about every evidence that I found out about Timothy, I want to make things clear.
the basic things you should have in mind before reading this, in no particular order:
1. I WOULDN'T stan Melanie if I thought she was a rapist
2. people lie about rape to get attention
3. you DON'T HAVE to believe everything that you find online
4. you shouldn't insult someone just because they have a different opinion
5. no one is defending Melanie because she is a girl, we would do the same if she was a guy
6. you can't twist someone's word the way that you want. THE FULL PHRASE IS: "She never said no TO WHAT WE CHOSE TO DO TOGETHER".
7. INNOCENT until proven otherwise!!

I'll put these **** next to the underrated proofs that you probably haven't read

how can I even start? let's just say that there's a bigger evidence that we had under our nose but no one noticed it. let's resume some PROOFS that you can even check yourself:
1) first of all, Timothy lied about the date, they were in different states when the "rape" happened; https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1989853874562091&id=1704701463077335
2) Timothy also shared a picture telling that she took that pic that night, but as you can see Melanie had different hair in that period of her life; (check the first proof's link)
3) ********* TImothy says she's against rape etc. but took a picture with Mel.. wait, just check yourself. https://www.instagram.com/p/BV9I-itFsP_/?taken-by=timothyheller
4) Timothy dressed as Melanie and literally copies her style, which is insane if she thought that Melanie raped her; https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1989521144595364&id=1704701463077335&__tn__=-R *******(SHE DELETED THE PICTURE FROM INSTAGRAM)******************************
5) ******** exclusive proofs that someone shared with me, trust me this is 100000% true and as you can see she gained TONS of followers; https://twitter.com/timothyexposed/status/938931661642878976
6) ****** Timothy said in one of her tweets that she followed some artists just to be noticed (this confirms the "attention whore" theory; https://twitter.com/timethyheller/status/928043486720311296
7) ******** the day after Tim published her song on Twitter (her pinned tweet), she said that she wanted to share a rape story, but if you check her account, she never mentioned this BEFORE the song; https://twitter.com/timethyheller/status/931409549298352128

**there are some extra proofs in some links
other things to think about: - why she said that she wanted to forget about it and then she published all the details online knowing that everyone would talk about it
- she gained a lot from this story

LAST but not least, the evidence that NO ONE noticed:
if you scroll through timothy's social media she mentioned multiple times that she has BPD which stands for BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER. what does it mean? look here. https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms-causes/syc-20370237
this explains:
-why she still dresses and copies melanie's style because this disorder makes you love people and the minute later hate them
-why she needs attention
- her brain can twist reality
and more things.
my theory: mel and tim had this unhealthy relationship that ended bad bc tim needed too much attention (bc of her disease) and mel was busy with her career. what happened that night was consensual sex, I mean that they both agreed to it, but after they broke their relationship tim felt bad because melanie was gaining too much attention, so she kinda started to hate melanie to the point that her brain twisted the reality and made her think that she said no, when she probably just regret it after a long time. if 2+2=4 she used this story to gain attention.

i do feel bad for timothy, i think she needs help, BUT she can't just go around and ruin people's life.

that's the end of it, timothy is now exposed. thank you if you read everything. if you still believe that melanie is a rapist, honestly i don't know what to tell, you are free to believe what you want, as i am free to believe this. please share this. if you want to talk with me DM me, i won't answer tweets. HATE GETS BLOCKED.
NOTE: timothy could possibly delete some evidence as she already did, i posted some screenshot on twitter. SHARE SO EVERYONE CAN READ IT.

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