A note about Dennis (@INTERNETHULK)

I met Dennis Hawelka earlier this year over dinner with a mutual friend and we became fast friends, which is unusual for me.

Dennis was contemplating transitioning from coaching in Overwatch to coaching a League of Legends team and perked up when he heard my background at Riot. He peppered me with thoughtful questions throughout dinner and after about career advice and the LCS while also inquiring how my dating life was going and offering-- there's no other word to describe them-- hilarious tips on how I could and should improve my game.

His infectious charm and drive to help others, hone his craft, and leave a mark on the world left a strong impression on me, and we quickly started hanging out more and trading advice and stories. I grew to respect his drive to chase greatness as well as his incredible sense of humor, and loved him as a friend.

Over the next few months we got to know each other much better and hang out semi-regularly including at my low-key, last-second birthday party which he made a point of attending despite being busy that weekend, which I appreciate more than I ever told him.

A few weeks ago we were in his apartment building chatting about his coaching philosophy at 2 AM. He was, he told me soberly, super driven to give his players the kind guidance he wished he had gotten as a pro gamer. He was burning through books on psychology, business, and coaching to be ready.

Dennis was SO damn excited to show the world what he could do as a coach, and had been working SO hard to achieve it.

When I got the call this morning that he had passed away, I had no words. Dennis was beloved by his family, his teammates, his players, and countless other people in the industry whose lives he had touched. I can't fathom what his friends and family back in Germany must be feeling.

He was so young...

I'm devastated I've lost a friend. I also know how much coaching meant to Dennis, and it crushes me that he won't get to show off everything he had been working towards this year.

There's not a doubt in my mind that he was going to crush it. He was one of the good guys.

I hope that doesn't come off like his work defined him-- Dennis was far more than just a player or coach-- but I know from talking to him how driven he was to leave a positive impact on others.

In that sense, though, it's been amazing to see the outpouring of love and respect on social media for Dennis. There's no doubt that while we won't see what he had in store for us in 2018 he had already touched so many lives for the better in the time he had on this earth.

I don't have a clever proclamation or a tidy takeaway from all this. I just know that I miss my friend and I need some time to process how bizarre it is that if I text him if he wants to get ramen or to ask for advice he's never going to respond again.

I took today to say goodbye and after reflecting on our time together have realized it's worth remembering that life is a fleeting thing, and we all have a very, very limited amount of time to spend it with people who matter.

So hold your loved ones tight, spend your time doing things you'll be proud to look back on, and be thankful for the good times. None of us know what tomorrow will bring.

I'm incredibly thankful to have known Dennis, however briefly, and hope he finds peace on the other side. Cheers brother.

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