
Lane · @Surefour

16th Oct 2017 from TwitLonger


A lot of people wonder/ask how to improve in OW, DPS players in particular, so i'll try and give you some points that you can follow to try and improve yourself upon.

1. Decide what role you want to play.

Right now there's about 3 roles for dps you can play.

a) Specialist: Tracer or Genji "One trick"
Basically these 2 heroes require alot of minute game knowledge to now all of the little
tricks and niche situations on when to do things. That results in the requirement of alot of
and grinding. Alot of the reason these heroes are able to be one tricked is because their
mobility and resources allow them to pretty much be played in any given situation.

b) Hitscan: This role primarily focuses on Soldier/Mccree/Widow as they can usually all be
played on the same sensitivity and play around the same style.

c) Projectile: This role focuses on Pharah/Junkrat/Hanzo and usually companies a higher
sensitivity and a different aiming technique because of the travel time

2. Stick to the role you've chosen

Specialist is about the only one that you can stay on without switching, if you choose hitscan or projectile, that doesn't mean you should stay Mccree or pharah for example no matter what. Switch between the heroes in your role that best fit the situation.

Try and keep your sensitivity the same for each hero in your role so you can gain the muscle memory to be able to transition smoothly on the fly.

3. Play to win, but know winning isn't everything.

If you're playing to improve, do everything in YOUR power to win that match, but don't worry about what OTHER people are doing. If you win, great. If you lose, try and figure out what YOU could have done better to change the tides.

Alot of people will start fixating or shifting blame on to other people and cause themselves to play worse and tilt even more. Everyone does this, even myself, the goal is to try and keep a mindset that stops that from happening.

An example is say you went into a 1v1 with someone but ended up losing it slightly. If you won it, nothing would have happened to your mindset. But when you're losing and you lose that 1v1, you don't want to blame yourself, so you start blaming your teammates. Instead, try and figure out why YOU lost that 1v1. Was it because you shouldn't have even been there in the first place? Was it a mechanical problem?

Focus on your own positioning, your own aim, your own hero switches. Find out and think about what YOU should be doing in any situation. There will be times where your team comp is complete ass, but if you fixate on that instead of what you should be doing, you'll lose even harder. There are times where you play perfect and you still lose, but there is also times you play perfect with a BAD HERO COMP and win because YOU played perfectly.

One of the most important things to learn that i've also had to learn is that you will often blame and try and find fault in your teammates not because of them, but because of yourself. Sometimes YOU KNOW you're not playing well and doing dumb shit, but don't want to accept the fact that it's your own fault. Most of the time in Overwatch, your own death is your own fault.

4. Conclusion

Focus on yourself and what you should be doing in with the heroes your playing and what you should be doing. Winning is often a bonus/result of your own efforts. If you play well, your chances of winning will only increase. The more you worry about other people, the more you tilt, the more you play worse, and the more you lose.


This was kind of written as a passing thought, so sorry if it's not structured too well. I'll perhaps do some guides soonish/at one point.

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