
Blake · @zerorbm

13th Oct 2017 from TwitLonger

we outta here boyz

Gonna keep this short.

Team is dead. It sucks but it happens, I know we will face criticism from the outside regardless for the reasoning behind it but thats fine.

This was the best team I have ever played on. I am very happy and thankful to be given the opportunity to play with everyone on this team. I learnt so much and probably had the most noticeable improvement while I played with them.

I didn't play at a level I was happy with. I underperformed a lot individually and consistently made a lot of mistakes. I'm going to work on the way I practice to ensure I don't have the same problems I did in this team.

As for the future, I will be taking an extended break from tournament Overwatch. I will definitely return, but probably not for a couple of months. I still love this game, I'm still very motivated to compete and very unsatisfied with how little I've achieved. During my break, I will still be playing an extensive amount of competitive and taking the opportunity to get real life a bit more organised.

Thanks to everyone who have continued to be very supportive of me. I look forward to being back competing in the near-future.

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