Update on my current situation as caster & the near future

Hello, i've had this question brought up a few times this past week so i'll address why i haven't been casting in this Twitlonger:

First of all yes i was hired by ESL to cast R6S Y2S3 alongside Kix & BB from the Katowice studio, which is why i moved to Katowice around a week ago.
However i am not an EU Citizen bu a resident as student atm which doesn't allow me to work in Poland (which is odd because it allows me to work in Belgium, Germany, France .. for max 40 days/year) until my work visa paperwork is complete.
Obviously this paperwork takes a while and even more than expected which means i will have to sit and idle in Katowice all season-long which makes no sense from the perspective of the Proleague project and my own sanity.

ESL however has offered me a fair solution which keeps our relationship intact & active as it has been for the past 3 years and here's how the next few months will look like for me:

- Next week i'm moving back to Brussels for a couple of weeks whilst my student visa is extended.
- After that i'm moving back to Lebanon and working as an Optometrist at the family business.
- Y3S1 i will be in Katowice to cast as an ESL employee if all the paperwork is ironed out.

As for Proleague S3 finals & The Invitational i'll notify you when and if i'll be attending since my 3rd world Lebanese passport requires me to acquire visas for everything.

Thank you for your support for the past 5 years of casting and the past year of Rainbow 6 Siege, i'm looking forward to R6S literally becoming my life in 2018 :)

P.S: As for Challenger league (because i know you'll ask), i'll try and cast as much a possible whilst in Belgium but i cannot promise anything due to a limited schedule, however this will be impossible when i move to Lebanon unfortunately unless someone in LB with a Studio/Game house can help out.

Thank you again and i'll see you on the virtual battlefield :)

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