Ed Gamble: Mammoth #edfringe review #Edinburgh

You wouldn't normally associate Ed Gamble with the heavy metal intro music that he has chosen, but that's the point. Although he is well educated, seemingly squeaky clean and most probably a proper nice chap, he longs to break away from the middle-class white man conveyer belt and explore his passions. This however is not as easy as it sounds.

Gamble shares his stories and it's soon obvious that a public school education and middle-class upbringing is hard to shake, no matter how hard you try.
It's a good performance from the Mock The Week regular, however it's nothing groundbreaking. Enjoyable and genuinely laugh-out-loud funny. You expect a quality performance from Gamble; he's been around long enough and his experience is evident in his flawless delivery.

This show is probably not a "must-see", but if you do buy a ticket then you certainly won't be disappointed. It's a good offering and well worth a viewing.

Comedy Reviewer 7/10
Edfringe 3 Stars ***

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