Sasha Ellen: Accidents Happen to Sasha Ellen #edfringe review #Edinburgh

A good show and amusing throughout, Accidents Happen had a real Avalon story-based style that was slick and delivered impeccably.

It's a strange story with a few twists and turns along the way; designed to play with the emotions, it does just that. However, I don't think it was all in the way she had intended.

The show is based around the accidental death of several pets, which affected me more than it probably should have. I would even say these stories affected me more than the show's hidden theme and tragic tale of teen pregnancy.

As comfortable as Ellen seems on the stage, I get the impression that she's not as comfortable with the show itself. It's a light-hearted look at some pretty dark subjects, I'm just not convinced that it was 100% the correct approach.

It could be improved but it's still a show to be proud of.
Hopefully more people get to see it; she deserves a big audience.

Comedy Reviewer 7/10
Edfringe 3 Stars ***

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